HipTest Integration

Applies to TestComplete 14.30, last modified on November 21, 2019

What is HipTest?

HipTest is a testing cloud platform by SmartBear for large and small software development and delivery teams. It helps all team members – product managers, QA engineers, developers, subject matter experts, and even customers – collaborate and create tests for their software projects easier. HipTest includes special Gherkin editor where you can easily create BDD scenarios. To learn more, please visit HipTest website.

If you have not seen HipTest before, create a free account to check how it works for you (you can also create an account directly from TestComplete, when you are importing BDD scenarios from HipTest).

Why integrate?

HipTest stores BDD scenarios. They are executed manually by QA engineers. By integrating TestComplete and HipTest, you can automate these BDD scenarios and run them as part of your automated test sets at regular basis. At that, you can continue using HipTest as a tool for creating and editing BDD scenarios and for storing test results.

How integration works

Video tutorial
  • You start by importing BDD scenarios from HipTest into your TestComplete project. You can import the scenarios when you are creating a new TestComplete project, or any time later. See the following topics for details:

    Import HipTest Scenarios (importing at the project creation time)

    Bind TestComplete Project to HipTest Project (importing scenarios to an existing project)

  • During the import, TestComplete automatically creates script functions for test steps of the imported scenarios. In addition to the functions, it also generates special statements that link these functions to test steps. You can then record or write script code for these functions using all the features that TestComplete offers for test creation.

  • When you run imported BDD scenarios from TestComplete, the latter will run the script functions linked to the test steps.

  • You can run imported BDD scenarios manually from the TestComplete UI, or run them as a test item of your TestComplete project, from another test or from the command line. That is, you can easily make automated BDD tests part of your automated test batteries that you run daily or nightly.

    TestComplete automatically creates test items for imported scenarios, so, by default, they will run when you run your test project.

By importing scenarios from HipTest you bind your TestComplete project to your HipTest project. Binding means you use TestComplete and HipTest together:

  • You continue using HipTest for creating and editing BDD scenarios. At that, TestComplete is able to automatically synchronize feature files in its project with features and scenarios stored HipTest. By default, it obtains feature files from HipTest when you open your project in TestComplete or when you run an automated BDD test. You can enable or disable this behavior by changing project options.

    The integration works in the reverse direction too. When you change, create or delete feature files in TestComplete and save your changes, TestComplete forwards them to the bound HipTest project. For complete information on how synchronization works, see Synchronize Scenarios. (Note that there are some exceptions, and certain changes cannot be synchronized.)

  • You automate and run imported BDD scenarios in TestComplete. At the end of the run, TestComplete passes run results to HipTest, so you can see this result among other results stored in HipTest. See also Upload Results.

Supported HipTest editions

TestComplete supports –

  • HipTest running in the cloud, and

  • HipTest Enterprise (we’ve tested ver. 2.7.1)

If you use HipTest Enterprise, you need to set up certain options in TestComplete before it starts working with HipTest. See Support for HipTest Enterprise.


  • To work with HipTest, you will need a HipTest account. If you don’t have one, you can create a free account directly from within the TestComplete UI.

  • To integrate with HipTest, your TestComplete should not have any BDD scenarios, that is, the Scenarios item in the Project Explorer should have no child feature files.

  • Also, your TestComplete project should not be a DelphiScript project. DelphiScript doesn’t support BDD.

  • If you are using HipTest Enterprise, you need to configure certain TestComplete options.


Each TestComplete project includes special properties – HipTest properties – that you can use to control the integration parameters, and bind or unbind your TestComplete to a HipTest project. To work with them, simple open the project properties editor for your project.

TestComplete also has the Tools > Options > Integrations > HipTest dialog for HipTest Enterprise users to help them specify the address of their HipTest server and work around issues with certificates.

Read more on HipTest integration

Read more on BDD in TestComplete

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