This topic describes the various approaches that you can use to obtain and change values assigned to the DataGridView cells. Note that before getting or setting the cell value, you need to know in which row and column the desired cell resides. To determine the cell position, you may need to search for the record containing the desired cell within the grid.
![]() |
To perform these actions, TestComplete should have access to internal objects, properties and methods of the DataGridView control. For this purpose, the .NET Application Support and Microsoft Control Support plugins must be installed and enabled. When testing Microsoft DataGridView controls, use specific methods and properties of the corresponding |
Obtaining Cell Values
To get the value from a particular grid cell, you can use the wValue
property of the MicrosoftDataGridView
object. Some .NET values such as Integer
, Double
, Boolean
are OLE-compatible and can be used in scripts directly. Others, such as String
, Decimal
and DateTime
are made OLE-compatible via the OleValue
property added to these objects by TestComplete. To work with complex object values, you can use their own properties and methods.
function Main ()
var p, Grid, CellValue;
// Obtain the grid object
p = Sys.Process ("DataGridViewSample");
Grid = p.WinFormsObject("Form1").WinFormsObject("dataGridView1");
// Post data of the 1st row to the log
for (let Col = 0; Col < Grid.wColumnCount; Col++)
// Get the cell value
CellValue = Grid.wValue (0, Col);
// Check if the value is of the simple or complex type
if (equal(aqObject.GetVarType (CellValue)), varDispatch)
Log.Message ("Cell (0, " + Col + ") value: " + CellValue.ToString().OleValue)
Log.Message ("Cell (0, " + Col + ") value: " + CellValue)
function Main ()
var p, Grid, Col, CellValue;
// Obtain the grid object
p = Sys.Process ("DataGridViewSample");
Grid = p.WinFormsObject("Form1").WinFormsObject("dataGridView1");
// Post data of the 1st row to the log
for (Col = 0; Col < Grid.wColumnCount; Col++)
// Get the cell value
CellValue = Grid.wValue (0, Col);
// Check if the value is of the simple or complex type
if (aqObject.GetVarType (CellValue) == varDispatch)
Log.Message ("Cell (0, " + Col + ") value: " + CellValue.ToString().OleValue)
Log.Message ("Cell (0, " + Col + ") value: " + CellValue)
def Main ():
# Obtain the grid object
p = Sys.Process ("DataGridViewSample")
Grid = p.WinFormsObject("Form1").WinFormsObject("dataGridView1")
# Post data of the 1st row to the log
for Col in range(0, Grid.wColumnCount):
# Get the cell value
CellValue = Grid.wValue [0, Col]
# Check if the value is of the simple or complex type
if (aqObject.GetVarType (CellValue) == varDispatch):
Log.Message ("Cell (0, " + Col + ") value: " + CellValue.ToString().OleValue)
Log.Message ("Cell (0, " + Col + ") value: " + CellValue)
Sub Main
Dim p, Grid, Col, CellValue
' Obtain the grid object
Set p = Sys.Process ("DataGridViewSample")
Set Grid = p.WinFormsObject("Form1").WinFormsObject("dataGridView1")
' Post data of the 1st row to the log
For Col = 0 To Grid.wColumnCount-1
' Check if the value is of the simple or complex type
If aqObject.GetVarType (Grid.wValue (0, Col)) = varDispatch Then
Set CellValue = Grid.wValue (0, Col)
Log.Message ("Cell (0, " & Col & ") value: " & CellValue.ToString().OleValue)
CellValue = Grid.wValue (0, Col)
Log.Message ("Cell (0, " & Col + ") value: " & CellValue)
End If
End Sub
procedure Main;
var p, Grid, Col, CellValue : OleVariant;
// Obtain the grid object
p := Sys.Process ('DataGridViewSample');
Grid := p.WinFormsObject('Form1').WinFormsObject('dataGridView1');
// Post data of the 1st row to the log
for Col := 0 to Grid.wColumnCount-1 do
// Get the cell value
CellValue := Grid.wValue [0, Col];
// Check if the value is of the simple or complex type
if aqObject.GetVarType (CellValue) = varDispatch then
Log.Message ('Cell (0, ' + aqConvert.VarToStr(Col) + ') value: ' + CellValue.ToString().OleValue)
Log.Message ('Cell (0, ' + aqConvert.VarToStr(Col) + ') value: ' + aqConvert.VarToStr(CellValue))
C++Script, C#Script
function Main ()
var p, Grid, Col, CellValue;
// Obtain the grid object
p = Sys["Process"]("DataGridViewSample");
Grid = p["WinFormsObject"]("Form1")["WinFormsObject"]("dataGridView1");
// Post data of the 1st row to the log
for (Col = 0; Col < Grid["wColumnCount"]; Col++)
// Get the cell value
CellValue = Grid["wValue"](0, Col);
// Check if the value is of the simple or complex type
if (aqObject["GetVarType"] (CellValue) == varDispatch)
Log["Message"]("Cell (0, " + Col + ") value: " + CellValue["ToString"]()["OleValue"])
Log["Message"]("Cell (0, " + Col + ") value: " + CellValue)
Alternatively, you can get the value of a particular grid cell using the Value
property of a DataGridView cell object:
In these statements, gridObj is the object corresponding to the DataGridView control; RowIndex and ColIndex are the zero-based indexes of the cell’s row and column.
In certain cases, the cell value may significantly differ from the actual text displayed in the cell. For example, the DataGridView control may display values with a special formatting applied: date values can be displayed as “Tuesday, March 19, 2007” instead of “3/19/2007”, currency values as $123,456.78 instead of 123456.78, and so on. In this case, you will most likely want to get the actual text displayed in grid cells rather than the cell values. You can do this using the FormattedValue
property of the grid cell object:
The example below demonstrates how you can use this property to get the cell’s display text.
function Main ()
var p, Grid;
// Obtain the grid object
p = Sys.Process ("DataGridViewSample");
Grid = p.WinFormsObject("Form1").WinFormsObject("dataGridView1");
// Post data of the first row to the log
for (let Col = 0; Col < Grid.wColumnCount; Col++)
Log.Message ("Cell (0, " + Col + ") text: " + GetCellText (Grid, 0, Col));
function GetCellText (Grid, RowIndex, ColumnId)
// Get the column index
let ColIndex = GetColIndexById (Grid, ColumnId);
// Get the cell value
return Grid.Item(ColIndex, RowIndex).FormattedValue.ToString().OleValue;
function GetColIndexById (Grid, ColumnId)
// Check if the column is specified by caption or index
if (equal(aqObject.GetVarType(ColumnId), varOleStr))
// Search for the column by its caption
for (let i=0; i<Grid.ColumnCount; i++)
if (equal(Grid.Columns.Item(i).HeaderText.OleValue, ColumnId))
return i; // Column is found
return -1; // Column is not found
// The column is specified by index; return this index
return ColumnId;
function Main ()
var p, Grid, Col;
// Obtain the grid object
p = Sys.Process ("DataGridViewSample");
Grid = p.WinFormsObject("Form1").WinFormsObject("dataGridView1");
// Post data of the first row to the log
for (Col = 0; Col < Grid.wColumnCount; Col++)
Log.Message ("Cell (0, " + Col + ") text: " + GetCellText (Grid, 0, Col));
function GetCellText (Grid, RowIndex, ColumnId)
// Get the column index
var ColIndex = GetColIndexById (Grid, ColumnId);
// Get the cell value
return Grid.Item(ColIndex, RowIndex).FormattedValue.ToString().OleValue;
function GetColIndexById (Grid, ColumnId)
// Check if the column is specified by caption or index
if (aqObject.GetVarType(ColumnId) == varOleStr)
// Search for the column by its caption
for (i=0; i<Grid.ColumnCount; i++)
if (Grid.Columns.Item(i).HeaderText.OleValue == ColumnId)
return i; // Column is found
return -1; // Column is not found
// The column is specified by index; return this index
return ColumnId;
def Main ():
# Obtain the grid object
p = Sys.Process ("DataGridViewSample")
Grid = p.WinFormsObject("Form1").WinFormsObject("dataGridView1")
# Post data of the first row to the log
for Col in range(0, Grid.wColumnCount-1):
Log.Message ("Cell (0, " + Col + ") text: " + GetCellText (Grid, 0, Col))
def GetCellText (Grid, RowIndex, ColumnId):
# Get the column index
ColIndex = GetColIndexById (Grid, ColumnId)
# Get the cell value
return Grid.Item(ColIndex, RowIndex).FormattedValue.ToString().OleValue
def GetColIndexById (Grid, ColumnId):
# Check if the column is specified by caption or index
if (aqObject.GetVarType(ColumnId) == varOleStr):
# Search for the column by its caption
for i in range(0, Grid.ColumnCount-1):
if (Grid.Columns.Item[i].HeaderText.OleValue == ColumnId):
return i # Column is found
return -1 # Column is not found
# The column is specified by index return this index
return ColumnId
Sub Main
Dim p, Grid, Col
' Obtain the grid object
Set p = Sys.Process ("DataGridViewSample")
Set Grid = p.WinFormsObject("Form1").WinFormsObject("dataGridView1")
' Post data of the first row to the log
For Col = 0 To Grid.wColumnCount-1
Log.Message ("Cell (0, " & Col & ") text: " & GetCellText (Grid, 0, Col))
End Sub
Function GetCellText (Grid, RowIndex, ColumnId)
Dim ColIndex
' Get the column index
ColIndex = GetColIndexById (Grid, ColumnId)
' Get the cell value
GetCellText = Grid.Item(ColIndex, RowIndex).FormattedValue.ToString().OleValue
End Function
Function GetColIndexById (Grid, ColumnId)
' Check if the column is specified by caption or index
If aqObject.GetVarType(ColumnId) = varOleStr Then
' Search for the column by its caption
For i=0 To Grid.ColumnCount-1
If Grid.Columns.Item(i).HeaderText.OleValue = ColumnId Then
GetColIndexById = i ' Column is found
Exit Function
End If
GetColIndexById = -1 ' Column is not found
' The column is specified by index return this index
GetColIndexById = ColumnId
End If
End Function
function GetCellText (Grid, RowIndex, ColumnId); forward;
function GetColIndexById (Grid, ColumnId); forward;
procedure Main;
var p, Grid, Col : OleVariant;
// Obtain the grid object
p := Sys.Process ('DataGridViewSample');
Grid := p.WinFormsObject('Form1').WinFormsObject('dataGridView1');
// Post data of the first row to the log
for Col := 0 to Grid.wColumnCount-1 do
Log.Message ('Cell (0, ' + aqConvert.VarToStr(Col) + ') text: ' + GetCellText (Grid, 0, Col));
function GetCellText (Grid, RowIndex, ColumnId);
var ColIndex : OleVariant;
// Get the column index
ColIndex := GetColIndexById (Grid, ColumnId);
// Get the cell value
Result := Grid.Item[ColIndex, RowIndex].FormattedValue.ToString().OleValue;
function GetColIndexById (Grid, ColumnId);
var i: OleVariant;
// Check if the column is specified by caption or index
if aqObject.GetVarType(ColumnId) = varOleStr then
// Search for the column by its caption
for i:=0 to Grid.ColumnCount-1 do
if Grid.Columns.Item[i].HeaderText.OleValue = ColumnId then
Result := i; // Column is found
Result := -1; // Column is not found
// The column is specified by index; return this index
Result := ColumnId;
C++Script, C#Script
function Main ()
var p, Grid, Col;
// Obtain the grid object
p = Sys["Process"]("DataGridViewSample");
Grid = p["WinFormsObject"]("Form1")["WinFormsObject"]("dataGridView1");
// Post data of the first row to the log
for (Col = 0; Col < Grid["wColumnCount"]; Col++)
Log["Message"]("Cell (0, " + Col + ") text: " + GetCellText (Grid, 0, Col));
function GetCellText (Grid, RowIndex, ColumnId)
// Get the column index
var ColIndex = GetColIndexById (Grid, ColumnId);
// Get the cell value
return Grid["Item"](ColIndex, RowIndex)["FormattedValue"]["ToString"]()["OleValue"];
function GetColIndexById (Grid, ColumnId)
// Check if the column is specified by caption or index
if (aqObject["GetVarType"](ColumnId) == varOleStr)
// Search for the column by its caption
for (i=0; i<Grid["ColumnCount"]; i++)
if (Grid["Columns"]["Item"](i)["HeaderText"]["OleValue"] == ColumnId)
return i; // Column is found
return -1; // Column is not found
// The column is specified by index; return this index
return ColumnId;
Setting Cell Values
There are two general approaches for modifying DataGridView cell values:
- Simulating the user actions over the cell’s in-place editor, for example, “typing” the new value into the cell.
- Assign the new value using the
property or internal properties and methods of the DataGridView control.
Detailed information and script samples for both approaches are provided below. These approaches work well for most types of in-place editors. However, if the DataGridView control in the tested application uses specific in-place editors (for example, check boxes, combo boxes and others), you may need to work with them in a custom way. For more information on how to work with specific editors, see Working With Specific In-place Editors in Microsoft DataGridView.
Simulating the User Input
To modify grid cell values, you can input the new values directly in grid cells. Note that before that, you should locate the row and column in which the cell resides. For example, you can search for the row containing the cell with the desired value. After you have determined the cell position, you should select the desired cell within the grid and activate the cell’s in-place editor. When the cell is in the edit mode, you can “type” the desired value into it using the Keys
action applied to the grid control.
The example below demonstrates how you can do this. It “types” new values into grid’s edit boxes.
JavaScript, JScript
function Main ()
var p, Grid, NewRowIndex;
// Obtain the grid object
p = Sys.Process ("DataGridViewSample");
Grid = p.WinFormsObject("Form1").WinFormsObject("dataGridView1");
// Add a new record to the grid
NewRowIndex = Grid.wRowCount-1;
InputCellValue (Grid, NewRowIndex, "Customer Name", "Robert King");
InputCellValue (Grid, NewRowIndex, "Product", "FamilyAlbum");
InputCellValue (Grid, NewRowIndex, "Quantity", "2");
InputCellValue (Grid, NewRowIndex, "Date", "5/21/2007");
InputCellValue (Grid, NewRowIndex, "Street", "123 Home Lane");
InputCellValue (Grid, NewRowIndex, "City", "Greenville, MS");
InputCellValue (Grid, NewRowIndex, "State", "US");
InputCellValue (Grid, NewRowIndex, "Zip Code", "12345");
InputCellValue (Grid, NewRowIndex, "Card", "VISA");
InputCellValue (Grid, NewRowIndex, "Card No", "123123454321");
function InputCellValue (Grid, RowIndex, ColumnId, Text)
// Click the cell
Grid.ClickCell (RowIndex, ColumnId);
// Activate the cell's editor
ActivateCellEditor (Grid);
// Input the new value
Grid.Keys (Text);
// Save the changes
CloseCellEditor (Grid);
function ActivateCellEditor (Grid)
Grid.Keys ("[F2]");
function CloseCellEditor (Grid)
Grid.Keys ("[Enter]");
def Main ():
# Obtain the grid object
p = Sys.Process ("DataGridViewSample")
Grid = p.WinFormsObject("Form1").WinFormsObject("dataGridView1")
# Add a new record to the grid
NewRowIndex = Grid.wRowCount-1
InputCellValue (Grid, NewRowIndex, "Customer Name", "Robert King")
InputCellValue (Grid, NewRowIndex, "Product", "FamilyAlbum")
InputCellValue (Grid, NewRowIndex, "Quantity", "2")
InputCellValue (Grid, NewRowIndex, "Date", "5/21/2007")
InputCellValue (Grid, NewRowIndex, "Street", "123 Home Lane")
InputCellValue (Grid, NewRowIndex, "City", "Greenville, MS")
InputCellValue (Grid, NewRowIndex, "State", "US")
InputCellValue (Grid, NewRowIndex, "Zip Code", "12345")
InputCellValue (Grid, NewRowIndex, "Card", "VISA")
InputCellValue (Grid, NewRowIndex, "Card No", "123123454321")
def InputCellValue (Grid, RowIndex, ColumnId, Text):
# Click the cell
Grid.ClickCell (RowIndex, ColumnId)
# Activate the cell's editor
ActivateCellEditor (Grid)
# Input the new value
Grid.Keys (Text)
# Save the changes
CloseCellEditor (Grid)
def ActivateCellEditor (Grid):
Grid.Keys ("[F2]")
def CloseCellEditor (Grid):
Grid.Keys ("[Enter]")
Sub Main
Dim p, Grid, NewRowIndex
' Obtain the grid object
Set p = Sys.Process ("DataGridViewSample")
Set Grid = p.WinFormsObject("Form1").WinFormsObject("dataGridView1")
' Get the Add New row index
NewRowIndex = Grid.wRowCount-1
' Add the new record to the grid
Call InputCellValue (Grid, NewRowIndex, "Customer Name", "Robert King")
Call InputCellValue (Grid, NewRowIndex, "Product", "FamilyAlbum")
Call InputCellValue (Grid, NewRowIndex, "Quantity", "2")
Call InputCellValue (Grid, NewRowIndex, "Date", "5/21/2007")
Call InputCellValue (Grid, NewRowIndex, "Street", "123 Home Lane")
Call InputCellValue (Grid, NewRowIndex, "City", "Greenville, MS")
Call InputCellValue (Grid, NewRowIndex, "State", "US")
Call InputCellValue (Grid, NewRowIndex, "Zip Code", "12345")
Call InputCellValue (Grid, NewRowIndex, "Card", "VISA")
Call InputCellValue (Grid, NewRowIndex, "Card No", "123123454321")
End Sub
Sub InputCellValue (Grid, RowIndex, ColumnId, Text)
' Click the cell
Call Grid.ClickCell (RowIndex, ColumnId)
' Activate the cell's editor
ActivateCellEditor Grid
' Input the new value
Grid.Keys Text
' Save the changes
CloseCellEditor Grid
End Sub
Sub ActivateCellEditor (Grid)
Grid.Keys "[F2]"
End Sub
Sub CloseCellEditor (Grid)
Grid.Keys "[Enter]"
End Sub
procedure InputCellValue (Grid, RowIndex, ColumnId, Text); forward;
procedure ActivateCellEditor (Grid); forward;
procedure CloseCellEditor (Grid); forward;
procedure Main;
var p, Grid, NewRowIndex : OleVariant;
// Obtain the grid object
p := Sys.Process ('DataGridViewSample');
Grid := p.WinFormsObject('Form1').WinFormsObject('dataGridView1');
// Get the Add New row index
NewRowIndex := Grid.wRowCount-1;
// Add the new record to the grid
InputCellValue (Grid, NewRowIndex, 'Customer Name', 'Robert King');
InputCellValue (Grid, NewRowIndex, 'Product', 'FamilyAlbum');
InputCellValue (Grid, NewRowIndex, 'Quantity', '2');
InputCellValue (Grid, NewRowIndex, 'Date', '5/21/2007');
InputCellValue (Grid, NewRowIndex, 'Street', '123 Home Lane');
InputCellValue (Grid, NewRowIndex, 'City', 'Greenville, MS');
InputCellValue (Grid, NewRowIndex, 'State', 'US');
InputCellValue (Grid, NewRowIndex, 'Zip Code', '12345');
InputCellValue (Grid, NewRowIndex, 'Card', 'VISA');
InputCellValue (Grid, NewRowIndex, 'Card No', '123123454321');
procedure InputCellValue (Grid, RowIndex, ColumnId, Text);
// Click the cell
Grid.ClickCell (RowIndex, ColumnId);
// Activate the cell's editor
ActivateCellEditor (Grid);
// Input the new value
Grid.Keys (Text);
// Save the changes
CloseCellEditor (Grid);
procedure ActivateCellEditor (Grid);
Grid.Keys ('[F2]');
procedure CloseCellEditor (Grid);
Grid.Keys ('[Enter]');
C++Script, C#Script
function Main ()
var p, Grid, NewRowIndex;
// Obtain the grid object
p = Sys["Process"]("DataGridViewSample");
Grid = p["WinFormsObject"]("Form1")["WinFormsObject"]("dataGridView1");
// Add a new record to the grid
NewRowIndex = Grid["wRowCount"]-1;
InputCellValue (Grid, NewRowIndex, "Customer Name", "Robert King");
InputCellValue (Grid, NewRowIndex, "Product", "FamilyAlbum");
InputCellValue (Grid, NewRowIndex, "Quantity", "2");
InputCellValue (Grid, NewRowIndex, "Date", "5/21/2007");
InputCellValue (Grid, NewRowIndex, "Street", "123 Home Lane");
InputCellValue (Grid, NewRowIndex, "City", "Greenville, MS");
InputCellValue (Grid, NewRowIndex, "State", "US");
InputCellValue (Grid, NewRowIndex, "Zip Code", "12345");
InputCellValue (Grid, NewRowIndex, "Card", "VISA");
InputCellValue (Grid, NewRowIndex, "Card No", "123123454321");
function InputCellValue (Grid, RowIndex, ColumnId, Text)
// Click the cell
Grid["ClickCell"](RowIndex, ColumnId);
// Activate the cell's editor
ActivateCellEditor (Grid);
// Input the new value
// Save the changes
CloseCellEditor (Grid);
function ActivateCellEditor (Grid)
function CloseCellEditor (Grid)
Assigning the New Value Programmatically
Another way to modify grid cell values is to use the wValue
property of the MicrosoftDataGridView
object. This property is read-write, so it can be used to obtain grid cell values as well as to change them:
function Main ()
var p, Grid;
// Obtain the grid object
p = Sys.Process ("DataGridViewSample");
Grid = p.WinFormsObject("Form1").WinFormsObject("dataGridView1");
// Modify data of the first row
Grid.$set("wValue", 0, "Customer Name", "Robert King");
Grid.$set("wValue", 0, "Product", "FamilyAlbum");
Grid.$set("wValue", 0, "Quantity", 2);
Grid.$set("wValue", 0, "Date", "5/21/2007");
Grid.$set("wValue", 0, "Street", "123 Home Lane");
Grid.$set("wValue", 0, "City", "Greenville, MS");
Grid.$set("wValue", 0, "State", "US");
Grid.$set("wValue", 0, "Zip Code", "12345");
Grid.$set("wValue", 0, "Card", "VISA");
Grid.$set("wValue", 0, "Card No", "123123454321");
function Main ()
var p, Grid;
// Obtain the grid object
p = Sys.Process ("DataGridViewSample");
Grid = p.WinFormsObject("Form1").WinFormsObject("dataGridView1");
// Modify data of the first row
Grid.wValue (0, "Customer Name") = "Robert King";
Grid.wValue (0, "Product") = "FamilyAlbum";
Grid.wValue (0, "Quantity") = 2;
Grid.wValue (0, "Date") = "5/21/2007";
Grid.wValue (0, "Street") = "123 Home Lane";
Grid.wValue (0, "City") = "Greenville, MS";
Grid.wValue (0, "State") = "US";
Grid.wValue (0, "Zip Code") = "12345";
Grid.wValue (0, "Card") = "VISA";
Grid.wValue (0, "Card No") = "123123454321";
def Main ():
# Obtain the grid object
p = Sys.Process ("DataGridViewSample")
Grid = p.WinFormsObject("Form1").WinFormsObject("dataGridView1")
# Modify data of the first row
Grid.wValue (0, "Customer Name") = "Robert King"
Grid.wValue (0, "Product") = "FamilyAlbum"
Grid.wValue (0, "Quantity") = 2
Grid.wValue (0, "Date") = "5/21/2007"
Grid.wValue (0, "Street") = "123 Home Lane"
Grid.wValue (0, "City") = "Greenville, MS"
Grid.wValue (0, "State") = "US"
Grid.wValue (0, "Zip Code") = "12345"
Grid.wValue (0, "Card") = "VISA"
Grid.wValue (0, "Card No") = "123123454321"
Sub Main
Dim p, Grid
' Obtain the grid object
Set p = Sys.Process ("DataGridViewSample")
Set Grid = p.WinFormsObject("Form1").WinFormsObject("dataGridView1")
' Modify data of the first row
Grid.wValue (0, "Customer Name") = "Robert King"
Grid.wValue (0, "Product") = "FamilyAlbum"
Grid.wValue (0, "Quantity") = 2
Grid.wValue (0, "Date") = "5/21/2007"
Grid.wValue (0, "Street") = "123 Home Lane"
Grid.wValue (0, "City") = "Greenville, MS"
Grid.wValue (0, "State") = "US"
Grid.wValue (0, "Zip Code") = "12345"
Grid.wValue (0, "Card") = "VISA"
Grid.wValue (0, "Card No") = "123123454321"
End Sub
procedure Main;
var p, Grid : OleVariant;
// Obtain the grid object
p := Sys.Process ('DataGridViewSample');
Grid := p.WinFormsObject('Form1').WinFormsObject('dataGridView1');
// Modify data of the first row
Grid.wValue (0, 'Customer Name') := 'Robert King';
Grid.wValue (0, 'Product') := 'FamilyAlbum';
Grid.wValue (0, 'Quantity') := 2;
Grid.wValue (0, 'Date') := '5/21/2007';
Grid.wValue (0, 'Street') := '123 Home Lane';
Grid.wValue (0, 'City') := 'Greenville, MS';
Grid.wValue (0, 'State') := 'US';
Grid.wValue (0, 'Zip Code') := '12345';
Grid.wValue (0, 'Card') := 'VISA';
Grid.wValue (0, 'Card No') := '123123454321';
C++Script, C#Script
function Main ()
var p, Grid;
// Obtain the grid object
p = Sys["Process"]("DataGridViewSample");
Grid = p["WinFormsObject"]("Form1")["WinFormsObject"]("dataGridView1");
// Modify data of the first row
Grid["wValue"](0, "Customer Name") = "Robert King";
Grid["wValue"](0, "Product") = "FamilyAlbum";
Grid["wValue"](0, "Quantity") = 2;
Grid["wValue"](0, "Date") = "5/21/2007";
Grid["wValue"](0, "Street") = "123 Home Lane";
Grid["wValue"](0, "City") = "Greenville, MS";
Grid["wValue"](0, "State") = "US";
Grid["wValue"](0, "Zip Code") = "12345";
Grid["wValue"](0, "Card") = "VISA";
Grid["wValue"](0, "Card No") = "123123454321";
It is also possible to change the value of a particular grid cell by assigning the desired value to the Value
property of the object corresponding to this grid cell. The following example illustrates how this can be done.
function Main ()
var p, Grid;
// Obtain the grid object
p = Sys.Process ("DataGridViewSample");
Grid = p.WinFormsObject("Form1").WinFormsObject("dataGridView1");
// Modify data of the first row
SetCellValue (Grid, 0, "Customer Name", "Robert King");
SetCellValue (Grid, 0, "Product", "FamilyAlbum");
SetCellValue (Grid, 0, "Quantity", 2);
SetCellValue (Grid, 0, "Date", "5/21/2007");
SetCellValue (Grid, 0, "Street", "123 Home Lane");
SetCellValue (Grid, 0, "City", "Greenville, MS");
SetCellValue (Grid, 0, "State", "US");
SetCellValue (Grid, 0, "Zip Code", "12345");
SetCellValue (Grid, 0, "Card", "VISA");
SetCellValue (Grid, 0, "Card No", "123123454321");
function SetCellValue (Grid, RowIndex, ColumnId, Value)
// Get the column index
let ColIndex = GetColIndexById (Grid, ColumnId);
// Assign the new value to the cell
Grid.Item(ColIndex, RowIndex).Value = Value;
function GetColIndexById (Grid, ColumnId)
// Check if the column is specified by caption or index
if (equal(aqObject.GetVarType(ColumnId), varOleStr))
// Search for the column by its caption
for (let i=0; i<Grid.ColumnCount; i++)
if (equal(Grid.Columns.Item(i).HeaderText.OleValue, ColumnId))
return i; // Column is found
return -1; // Column is not found
// The column is specified by index; return this index
return ColumnId;
function Main ()
var p, Grid;
// Obtain the grid object
p = Sys.Process ("DataGridViewSample");
Grid = p.WinFormsObject("Form1").WinFormsObject("dataGridView1");
// Modify data of the first row
SetCellValue (Grid, 0, "Customer Name", "Robert King");
SetCellValue (Grid, 0, "Product", "FamilyAlbum");
SetCellValue (Grid, 0, "Quantity", 2);
SetCellValue (Grid, 0, "Date", "5/21/2007");
SetCellValue (Grid, 0, "Street", "123 Home Lane");
SetCellValue (Grid, 0, "City", "Greenville, MS");
SetCellValue (Grid, 0, "State", "US");
SetCellValue (Grid, 0, "Zip Code", "12345");
SetCellValue (Grid, 0, "Card", "VISA");
SetCellValue (Grid, 0, "Card No", "123123454321");
function SetCellValue (Grid, RowIndex, ColumnId, Value)
// Get the column index
var ColIndex = GetColIndexById (Grid, ColumnId);
// Assign the new value to the cell
Grid.Item(ColIndex, RowIndex).Value = Value;
function GetColIndexById (Grid, ColumnId)
// Check if the column is specified by caption or index
if (aqObject.GetVarType(ColumnId) == varOleStr)
// Search for the column by its caption
for (i=0; i<Grid.ColumnCount; i++)
if (Grid.Columns.Item(i).HeaderText.OleValue == ColumnId)
return i; // Column is found
return -1; // Column is not found
// The column is specified by index; return this index
return ColumnId;
def Main ():
# Obtain the grid object
p = Sys.Process ("DataGridViewSample")
Grid = p.WinFormsObject("Form1").WinFormsObject("dataGridView1")
# Modify data of the first row
SetCellValue (Grid, 0, "Customer Name", "Robert King")
SetCellValue (Grid, 0, "Product", "FamilyAlbum")
SetCellValue (Grid, 0, "Quantity", 2)
SetCellValue (Grid, 0, "Date", "5/21/2007")
SetCellValue (Grid, 0, "Street", "123 Home Lane")
SetCellValue (Grid, 0, "City", "Greenville, MS")
SetCellValue (Grid, 0, "State", "US")
SetCellValue (Grid, 0, "Zip Code", "12345")
SetCellValue (Grid, 0, "Card", "VISA")
SetCellValue (Grid, 0, "Card No", "123123454321")
def SetCellValue (Grid, RowIndex, ColumnId, Value):
# Get the column index
ColIndex = GetColIndexById (Grid, ColumnId)
# Assign the new value to the cell
Grid.Item(ColIndex, RowIndex).Value = Value
def GetColIndexById (Grid, ColumnId):
# Check if the column is specified by caption or index
if (aqObject.GetVarType(ColumnId) == varOleStr):
# Search for the column by its caption
for i in range(0, Grid.ColumnCount):
if (Grid.Columns.Item[i].HeaderText.OleValue == ColumnId):
return i # Column is found
return -1 # Column is not found
# The column is specified by index return this index
return ColumnId
Sub Main
Dim p, Grid
' Obtain the grid object
Set p = Sys.Process ("DataGridViewSample")
Set Grid = p.WinFormsObject("Form1").WinFormsObject("dataGridView1")
' Modify data of the first row
Call SetCellValue (Grid, 0, "Customer Name", "Robert King")
Call SetCellValue (Grid, 0, "Product", "FamilyAlbum")
Call SetCellValue (Grid, 0, "Quantity", 2)
Call SetCellValue (Grid, 0, "Date", "5/21/2007")
Call SetCellValue (Grid, 0, "Street", "123 Home Lane")
Call SetCellValue (Grid, 0, "City", "Greenville, MS")
Call SetCellValue (Grid, 0, "State", "US")
Call SetCellValue (Grid, 0, "Zip Code", "12345")
Call SetCellValue (Grid, 0, "Card", "VISA")
Call SetCellValue (Grid, 0, "Card No", "123123454321")
End Sub
Sub SetCellValue (Grid, RowIndex, ColumnId, Value)
Dim ColIndex
' Get the column index
ColIndex = GetColIndexById (Grid, ColumnId)
' Assign the new value to the cell
If aqObject.GetVarType (Value) = varDispatch Then
Set Grid.Item(ColIndex, RowIndex).Value = Value
Grid.Item(ColIndex, RowIndex).Value = Value
End If
End Sub
Function GetColIndexById (Grid, ColumnId)
' Check if the column is specified by caption or index
If aqObject.GetVarType(ColumnId) = varOleStr Then
' Search for the column by its caption
For i=0 To Grid.ColumnCount-1
If Grid.Columns.Item(i).HeaderText.OleValue = ColumnId Then
GetColIndexById = i ' Column is found
Exit Function
End If
GetColIndexById = -1 ' Column is not found
' The column is specified by index return this index
GetColIndexById = ColumnId
End If
End Function
procedure SetCellValue (Grid, RowIndex, ColumnId, Value); forward;
function GetColIndexById (Grid, ColumnId); forward;
procedure Main;
var p, Grid : OleVariant;
// Obtain the grid object
p := Sys.Process ('DataGridViewSample');
Grid := p.WinFormsObject('Form1').WinFormsObject('dataGridView1');
// Modify data of the first row
SetCellValue (Grid, 0, 'Customer Name', 'Robert King');
SetCellValue (Grid, 0, 'Product', 'FamilyAlbum');
SetCellValue (Grid, 0, 'Quantity', 2);
SetCellValue (Grid, 0, 'Date', '5/21/2007');
SetCellValue (Grid, 0, 'Street', '123 Home Lane');
SetCellValue (Grid, 0, 'City', 'Greenville, MS');
SetCellValue (Grid, 0, 'State', 'US');
SetCellValue (Grid, 0, 'Zip Code', '12345');
SetCellValue (Grid, 0, 'Card', 'VISA');
SetCellValue (Grid, 0, 'Card No', '123123454321');
procedure SetCellValue (Grid, RowIndex, ColumnId, Value);
var ColIndex : OleVariant;
// Get the column index
ColIndex := GetColIndexById (Grid, ColumnId);
// Assign the new value to the cell
Grid.Item[ColIndex, RowIndex].Value := Value;
function GetColIndexById (Grid, ColumnId);
var i: OleVariant;
// Check if the column is specified by caption or index
if aqObject.GetVarType(ColumnId) = varOleStr then
// Search for the column by its caption
for i:=0 to Grid.ColumnCount-1 do
if Grid.Columns.Item[i].HeaderText.OleValue = ColumnId then
Result := i; // Column is found
Result := -1; // Column is not found
// The column is specified by index; return this index
Result := ColumnId;
C++Script, C#Script
function Main ()
var p, Grid;
// Obtain the grid object
p = Sys["Process"]("DataGridViewSample");
Grid = p["WinFormsObject"]("Form1")["WinFormsObject"]("dataGridView1");
// Modify data of the first row
SetCellValue (Grid, 0, "Customer Name", "Robert King");
SetCellValue (Grid, 0, "Product", "FamilyAlbum");
SetCellValue (Grid, 0, "Quantity", 2);
SetCellValue (Grid, 0, "Date", "5/21/2007");
SetCellValue (Grid, 0, "Street", "123 Home Lane");
SetCellValue (Grid, 0, "City", "Greenville, MS");
SetCellValue (Grid, 0, "State", "US");
SetCellValue (Grid, 0, "Zip Code", "12345");
SetCellValue (Grid, 0, "Card", "VISA");
SetCellValue (Grid, 0, "Card No", "123123454321");
function SetCellValue (Grid, RowIndex, ColumnId, Value)
// Get the column index
var ColIndex = GetColIndexById (Grid, ColumnId);
// Assign the new value to the cell
Grid["Item"](ColIndex, RowIndex)["Value"] = Value;
function GetColIndexById (Grid, ColumnId)
// Check if the column is specified by caption or index
if (aqObject["GetVarType"](ColumnId) == varOleStr)
// Search for the column by its caption
for (i=0; i<Grid["ColumnCount"]; i++)
if (Grid["Columns"]["Item"](i)["HeaderText"]["OleValue"] == ColumnId)
return i; // Column is found
return -1; // Column is not found
// The column is specified by index; return this index
return ColumnId;
See Also
Working With Microsoft DataGridView
wValue Property (Grid Controls)
Selecting Cells in Microsoft DataGridView
Activating and Closing In-place Editors in Microsoft DataGridView
Working With Specific In-place Editors in Microsoft DataGridView
Copying and Pasting Cell Values in Microsoft DataGridView