6. Analyze the Recorded Test

Applies to TestComplete 15.72, last modified on February 05, 2025

After you finish recording, TestComplete opens the recorded keyword test in the Keyword Test editor:

Getting Started With TestComplete (Android): The recorded test

The recorded test is similar to the test shown in the image above. Your actual test may differ from this one. For example, it may contain some unnecessary touch actions.

The test contains the commands that correspond to the actions you performed on the Orders application during test recording. We call these test commands operations.

The first operation in the test is Run Remote Device. It connects to a mobile device, deploys the Orders application to the specified device, and opens a testing session for the application. The other test operations refer to this device.

Then there are the operations that simulate your actions with the application. These operations click the Edit button, select an item in the orders list, change the value of the text field, save the changes, and click the Done button.

Finally, there is the comparison operation that you added during test recording:

You may want to pay attention to the name of the tested application and its objects in the recorded test:

Getting Started With TestComplete (Android): Recorded names

By default, while you are recording a test, TestComplete automatically adds all items with which you are interacting to the Name Mapping repository. For each item, TestComplete stores the search expressions it will use to find the objects in the application during the test run. Also, for each item, it stores an alias — a short name it uses to address objects in tests.

You can double-click the Name Mapping item in the Project Explorer to open the Name Mapping repository and view the recognition parameters and aliases that TestComplete created for objects during the test recording:

Getting Started With TestComplete (Android): Name Mapping

Using Name Mapping and aliases makes tests easier to understand and more stable.

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See Also

Testing Android Applications - Tutorial
Keyword Tests
Operation Reference

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