This topic contains information on tasks you can accomplish in the Hosts editor:
Adding New Hosts
To add a new host to the host collection, do any of the following:
- Right-click anywhere within the Hosts editor and select
New Item from the context menu.
-- or --
- Click
New Item on the editor’s toolbar.
-- or --
- Right-click the Hosts node in the Project Explorer and select Add | New Item from the context menu.
- In the ensuing dialog specify an appropriate name for the new host and click OK.
To add all workstations available in your network to the hosts list, do the following:
- Right-click anywhere within the Hosts editor and select
Fill from Network in the context menu.
-- or --
- Click
Fill from Network on the editor’s toolbar.
Copying Hosts
To create a new host by copying properties of an existing host, do the following:
- Right-click the host and select
Copy from the context menu.
- Right-click somewhere in the Hosts editor and select
Paste from the context menu.
TestComplete creates a new host with the same property values the original host has.
Modifying Hosts Properties
To modify a host’s property value, do the following:
- Select the corresponding column for the desired host in the Hosts editor.
- Choose Edit from the context menu or press F2 and enter the desired value using the in-place editor.
Verifying Hosts
To verify that the host properties you specified are valid, do the following:
- Select the host you wish to verify in the editor (you can use the Ctrl and Shift keys for multiple selection) or choose Select All from the context menu to select all available hosts.
- Click the
Verify button on the toolbar of the Hosts editor or choose
Verify from the context menu.
If the selected hosts are set up correctly, a success message is displayed. Otherwise, if some of the selected hosts cannot be used by the network suite, a message describing the errors that occurred is displayed.
Copying Test Projects To Hosts
To copy a project to the host, do the following:
- In the host’s Base path property, specify the destination folder on the remote computer where you wish to copy the slave project. The folder path must be specified in terms of the remote computer, for example, D:\SlaveTest.
- In the host’s Source path property, specify the folder on the master (local) computer that contains the slave project. The folder path must be specified in terms of the master computer, for example, C:\Tests\DistributedTest.
If you leave the property empty, the current project suite will be copied to the host.
- Select the host in the list and click the
Copy Project to Slave button on the toolbar of the Hosts editor or select
Copy Project to Slave from the context menu.
TestComplete copies the contents of the Source path folder (or the current project suite if the Source path is not specified) which is on the master computer to the Base path folder on the slave host.
For more information on deploying projects to slave hosts, see Copying Slave Projects to Remote Computers.
Rebooting Hosts
To reboot a host, do the following:
- Select a host you want to reboot (you can use the Ctrl and Shift keys for multiple selection).
- Right-click the selection and choose
Reboot from the context menu or click
Reboot on the editor’s toolbar.
- In the confirmation message that appears, click Yes.
Deleting Hosts
To delete a host, do the following:
- Select the desired host in the hosts editor (you can use the Ctrl and Shift keys for multiple selection).
- Right-click the selection and choose
Delete from the context menu or press Delete.
- Confirm deletion by clicking Yes.
Saving Changes
To save the changes you made to the Hosts collection and host properties, select the Hosts node in the Project Explorer panel and then choose File | Save from the TestComplete main menu or press Ctrl+S.
To close the editor without saving the changes, close the editor’s tab and answer No when TestComplete asks you to save the changes.
See Also
Hosts Editor
Host Object
Opening User Sessions on Remote Computers
Copying Slave Projects to Remote Computers
Network Suite Editor - Properties Page