Test Management System Toolbar

Applies to TestComplete 15.70, last modified on December 17, 2024

The Test Management System (TMS) toolbar contains the following buttons that affect TestComplete integration with external test management systems:

Item Description
 Learn more about Zephyr Squad Available only if no project is open. Opens the Zephyr Squad app page in the Atlassian marketplace.
 Connect to Zephyr Squad Available only if your current TestComplete project is not bound to any Jira project. Click to open the Properties > Zephyr Squad page of your current TestComplete project to bind it to a Jira project whose Zephyr test cases you want to automate.
 Reporting to Zephyr Squad Available only if your current TestComplete project is already bound to a Jira project. Indicates that the results of the TestComplete tests linked to Zephyr test cases will be sent to the Jira project. Click to enable or disable sending the results.

See Also

TestComplete Toolbars
Project Properties - Zephyr Squad Options
Integration With Zephyr Squad

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