wValue Property (Specific to the Ext JS Time Field Control)

Applies to TestComplete 15.71, last modified on January 08, 2025
This property is not supported in web tests (including cross-platform web tests) that use XPath expressions and CSS selectors to locate web elements. This property can be only used in tests that locate web objects by using internal identification properties provided by TestComplete.


Use this property to get the value that is currently displayed in the time field control or to set a new one.



Read-Write Property Variant
TestObj A variable, parameter or expression that specifies a reference to one of the objects listed in the Applies To section

Applies To

The property is applied to the following object:

View Mode

This property is available in the Object Browser panel and in other panels and dialogs in both Basic and Advanced view modes.

Property Value

The time currently selected in the control. The following types are possible:

Type Description
Date/Time A Date/Time value that contains a time portion.
String A string in one of time formats.
JavaScript (or JScript) Date object A JavaScript (or JScript) Date object that contains a time portion.

For more information, see Working With Time.


If the control’s time interval is limited by the native minValue and maxValue properties, wValue must be within this range.

The format of wValue depends on the native format property. The default format is "h":"mm AMPM", for example, "3:00 AM".

Due to certain specifics of the Ext JS Time Field control, you cannot pass values containing the seconds part to the wValue property. For example, wValue = "0:21:36" sets "12:21 AM", fails and posts an error message.


The following example demonstrates how to obtain and set the time displayed in a control:

JavaScript, JScript

function Main()
  var page = Sys.Browser().Page("http//www.example.com");
  var TimeField = page.Panel("form").Table("timefield");

  // Obtain the current value of the Time Field control

  // Set the value of the Time Field using String data type
  TimeField.wValue = "10.00 AM";

  //Set the value of the Time Field using Date/Time data type
  TimeField.wValue = 0.125;

  // Set the value of the Time Field using JScript Date object
  TimeField.wValue = new Date(null, null, null, 05, 25);


def Main():
  page = Sys.Browser().Page("http//www.example.com")
  TimeField = page.Panel("form").Table("timefield")

  # Obtain the current value of the Time Field control

  # Set the value of the Time Field using String data type
  TimeField.wValue = "10.00 AM"

  # Set the value of the Time Field using Date/Time data type
  TimeField.wValue = 0.125


Sub Main
  Set Page = Sys.Browser.Page("http://www.example.com")
  Set TimeField = Page.Panel("form").Table("timefield")

  ' Obtain the current value of the Time Field control
  Log.Message TimeField.wValue

  ' Set the value of the Time Field using String data type
  TimeField.wValue = "11:00 AM"

  ' Set the value of the Time Field using Date/Time data type
  TimeField.wValue = 0.125
End Sub


procedure Main;
var page, TimeField;
  page := Sys.Browser.Page('http://www.example.com');
  TimeField := page.Panel('form').Table('timefield');

  // Obtain the current value of the Time Field control

  // Set the value of the Time Field using String data type
  TimeField.wValue := '10.00 AM';

  // Set the value of the Time Field using Date/Time data type
  TimeField.wValue := 0.125;

C++Script, C#Script

function Main()
  var page, TimeField
  page = Sys["Browser"]()["Page"]("http://www.example.com");
  TimeField = page["Panel"]("form")["Table"]("timefield");

  // Obtain the current value of the Time Field control

  // Set the value of the Time Field using String data type
  TimeField["wValue"] = "10.00 AM";

  // Set the value of the Time Field using Date/Time data type
  TimeField["wValue"] = 0.125;

  // Set the value of the Time Field using JScript Date object
  TimeField["wValue"] = new Date(null, null, null, 05, 25);

See Also

Working With Time
Ext JS Time Field Support

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