YUI 2 Slider Support

Applies to TestComplete 15.73, last modified on March 04, 2025
Information in this topic applies only to web tests that implement the classic approach. In cross-platform web tests, TestComplete recognizes third-party controls as standard web controls.

About Support

TestComplete can recognize YUI 2 Slider controls in web applications. It provides special properties and methods that let you retrieve the controls data and simulate user actions on the controls (see below).

The YUI().use() method supported by the YUI 3 library allows loading YUI 2 modules and widgets into YUI 3 and creating YUI 2 controls with YUI 3 support. For more information on this, see documentation for the YUI global object (the on-line version is available at http://yuilibrary.com/yui/docs/yui/).

TestComplete can test YUI 2 controls created with YUI 3 support, but each subsequent call of the YUI().use() method in your tested application makes controls created with the previous method call unavailable to TestComplete.

Supported Versions

Supported component versions: Yahoo! User Interface Library 2.9.0.


In order for TestComplete to be able to work with YUI 2 Slider controls, the following requirements must be met:

  • In order to implement support for the YUI 2 Slider controls, you need to apply a special accessibility patch to the YUI 2 controls' source code. The patch is shipped along with TestComplete. By default, it resides in the <TestComplete 15>\Open Apps\WebControls folder. To apply the patch to the controls' source code, do the following:

    1. Follow the link http://sourceforge.net/projects/gnuwin32/files/patch/2.5.9-7/patch-2.5.9-7-bin.zip/download to download an archive containing the free Patch utility.

    2. Extract the patch.exe executable file and place it in the root directory of the controls' source library (the directory that contains the build folder).

    3. Place the yui_2.9.0.diff patch file in the same root folder in which you have placed the patch.exe file.

    4. Apply the patch by executing the following command line:

      patch -p0 --binary < yui_2.9.0.diff
  • A license for the TestComplete Web module.

  • The Yahoo! Control Support plugin. This plugin is installed and enabled automatically.

    If you experience issues when working with the controls, select File > Install Extensions from the TestComplete main menu and check whether the plugin is active. (You can find the plugin in the Web group.) If the plugin is not available, run the TestComplete installation in the Repair mode.


When testing YUI 2 Slider controls, you can use properties and methods specific to these controls, as well as properties and methods that TestComplete applies to onscreen objects. For the full list of available properties and methods, see the following topics:

See Also

Yahoo! User Interface Library 2 Controls

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