AndroidDevice Object Properties

Applies to TestComplete 15.71, last modified on January 08, 2025
The information below concerns legacy mobile tests that work with mobile devices connected to the local computer. For new mobile tests, we recommend using the newer cloud-compatible approach.

The AndroidDevice object contains the following properties:

Property List

Name Description
_NewEnum Returns an enumerator for the collection of children that belong to the object.
ChildCount Returns the number of child objects of the given object.
Connected Specifies whether the device is connected.
Connections Returns the AndroidConnections object that provides access to the status of Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connections on the device.
CurrentLocaleName Returns device's current locale name.
Desktop Returns the AndroidDesktop object that provides access to the device’s desktop.
DeviceID Returns the unique device identifier.
DeviceInfo Provides access to the AndroidDeviceInfo object that contains detailed information about the device.
DeviceName Returns the device name.
Exists Tells you whether an object exists in the system.
FileSystemManager Returns the FileSystemManager object that provides access to the device’s file system.
FullName Specifies the full name that uniquely identifies the object in TestComplete.
GPS Returns the current location of the mobile device and allows you to specify a mock location.
Id Returns the object’s identifier.
Index Returns the index of the device.
MappedName Returns the custom name that is mapped to the original object name and is used to address the object in scripts.
Name Returns the object’s name.
OSInfo Returns the AndroidOSInfo object holding information about the operating system installed on the device.
OSType Returns the type of the OS installed on the device.
PackageManager Returns the PackageManager object providing access to packages installed on the device.
Parent Returns the parent object of the given object.
RunningTaskInfo Returns information about the currently running application.
Sensor Provides access to a particular built-in sensor of the mobile device and to its measurements.
SensorsCount Returns the number of built-in sensors that are available on the mobile device.

See Also

AndroidDevice Object
AndroidDevice Object Methods
Testing Android Applications (Legacy)

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