Window Object Properties

Applies to TestComplete 15.72, last modified on February 05, 2025

The following properties are common for all window objects.

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This category includes properties that TestComplete applies to all test objects.

Name Description
_NewEnum Returns an enumerator for the collection of children that belong to the object.
ChildCount Returns the number of child objects of the given object.
ControlId Specifies the control identifier of the window.
Enabled Specifies whether an object can accept user input or not.
Exists Tells you whether an object exists in the system.
Focused Specifies whether the control has input focus.
FullName Specifies the full name that uniquely identifies the object in TestComplete.
Handle Returns the control’s handle (HWND).
Height Specifies the height of the object in pixels.
Id Returns the object’s identifier.
Index Specifies the front-to-back position of the control among other controls that have the same class name and caption, and belong to the same parent window.
Left Specifies the horizontal position of the object’s left edge relative its parent window.
MappedName Returns the custom name that is mapped to the original object name and is used to address the object in scripts.
MSAADisp Returns an object that contains methods and properties added to the window by the IAccessible interface.
Name Returns the object name.
Parent Returns the parent object of the given object.
ScreenLeft Specifies the horizontal position of the object’s left edge in screen coordinates.
ScreenTop Specifies the vertical position of the object’s top edge in screen coordinates.
Top Specifies the vertical position of the object’s top edge relative to the object’s parent window.
Unicode Specifies whether the control is a native Unicode window.
URL This property is only added to those window objects that correspond to WebBrowser controls and to Firefox’s window that display web pages. The property returns the URL of the web page displayed in the browser window.
Visible Specifies whether the object is visible to users.
VisibleOnScreen Specifies whether any part of the object is currently visible on screen.
Width Specifies the width of the object in pixels.
WndCaption Specifies the caption of a window object.
WndClass Returns the class name of a window object.
WndStyles Returns a value that is a combination of object style constants.
WndStylesEx Returns a combination of constants that specify an extended object style.
wText Returns the text of a console application’s window.

This category includes properties that extend test functionality for the objects.

Name Description
ActionMainMenu Returns the Menu object that provides a scripting interface to the main menu created with Borland Action Menu Bar.
C1MainMenu Returns the Menu object that provides a scripting interface to the main menu created with the ComponentOne Menus and Toolbars.
EssMainMenu Returns the Menu object that provides a scripting interface to the main menu created with the Syncfusion Essential Tools Menus.
HScroll Returns a ScrollBar object that provides a scripting interface to the control’s horizontal scroll bar.
JMainMenu Returns the Menu object that provides a scripting interface to the main menu of the Java application.
MainMenu Returns the Menu object that provides scripting interface to the main menu of the window.
PopupMenu Returns a Menu object that provides a scripting interface to the control’s context menu (the menu must be opened on screen first).
StripMainMenu Returns the Menu object that provides a scripting interface to the main menu created with Microsoft MenuStrip Class Library.
StripPopupMenu Returns a Menu object that provides a scripting interface to the context menu that is created using the Microsoft MenuStrip Class Library.
SwingPopupMenu Provides access to the context menu of the AWT and Swing controls. This property is not supported for the SWT and WFC controls.
SystemMenu Returns the Menu object that provides a scripting interface to a window's system menu.
UICtrlsMainMenu Returns the Menu object that provides a scripting interface to the main menu created with the Janus UI Controls.
UltraMainMenu Returns the Menu object that provides a scripting interface to the main menu created with the Infragistics UltraWinToolbars.
UltraPopupMenu Returns a Menu object that provides a scripting interface to the Infragistics context menu.
VScroll Returns a ScrollBar object that provides a scripting interface to the control’s vertical scroll bar.
XtraMainMenu Returns the Menu object that provides a scripting interface to the main menu created with the Developer Express XtraBars.
XtraPopupMenu Returns a XtraPopupMenu object that provides a scripting interface for the context menu created with the Developer Express XtraBars Suite.

This category includes properties that TestComplete provides for .NET objects.

Name Description
ClrAppDomain Returns an AppDomain object corresponding to the application domain that contains the given object.
ClrClassName Returns the short class name of an object.
ClrFullClassName Returns the full class name (including the namespace) of an object.
VCLNETControlIndex Returns the object’s index in the collection of child objects of its parent object. Applies to VCL.NET objects only.
WinFormsControlName Specifies the name of an object as it is specified in the application code.

This category includes properties that TestComplete provides for Java objects.

Name Description
AWTComponentAccessibleName Specifies the accessible name of an object that reside in a Java application.
AWTComponentIndex Specifies the index of a Java application object among other objects having the same class and accessible names.
AWTComponentName Specifies the name of an object as it is specified in the application code.
JavaClassName Returns the short class name of an object as it is specified in the application code.
JavaFullClassName Returns the full class name (including the packages) of an object.
<Name Mapping>

These properties are available only if the test object has been mapped (see Name Mapping). You can use them in your tests, but they are not displayed in the Object Browser panel.

Name Description
NamedChild Returns a child object stored in the Name Mapping repository (by its index).
NamedChildCount Returns the number of child objects of an object stored in the Name Mapping repository.
NodeDescription Returns the description of an object stored in the Name Mapping repository.
Other Categories

If TestComplete has access to internal methods, properties and files of your tested application (that is, if it is an Open Application), you can call the internal methods and properties as methods and properties of the appropriate test objects. You can view these properties and methods in corresponding categories (Private, Public, RTTI, Debug Agent, Firefox, and so on). These methods and properties are not described in the TestComplete help file. For more information on them, please see the documentation for the development tools that was used to create the application under test.

See Also

Window Object Methods

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