Cross-Browser Testing in TestComplete

Applies to TestComplete 15.72, last modified on February 05, 2025

Cross-browser tests check how your web application or web site performs in various web browsers.

This section describes how you can create a web test in one web browser and then run it in any supported web browser.

In This Section

About Cross-Browser Testing in TestComplete

Describes the cross-browser testing features supported by TestComplete.

Creating Cross Browser Tests

Explains how you create browser-independent tests in TestComplete.

Running Tests in Multiple Browsers

Describes how to iterate through all the supported browsers installed on the current computer.

Parameterizing the Browser for a Test Run

Describes how to parameterize web tests with the browser type to be used by your tests.

Checking the Current Browser

Explains how to learn in what browser your test is being executed.

Handling Browser Differences

Describes the possible differences between the browsers that are not handled by TestComplete automatically and that may require your attention.

Related Topics of Interest

About Cross-Platform Web Tests

Describes how to create web tests that can be run in various web browsers on various operating systems managed by Selenium Grid.

Integration With BitBar

Describes how to run web tests in various web browsers running on various operating systems using virtual environments that BitBar provides.

See Also

Classic Web Testing
Supported Web Browsers and Technologies
Requirements for Web Testing
Preparing Web Browsers

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