Compliance Assertions

Applies to ReadyAPI 3.58, last modified on January 30, 2025

Compliance assertions deal with validating the service definition and message structure. Use them to check various aspects of SOAP operations, HTTP methods, WSDL and WADL definitions, and Web Service standards.

HTTP Assertions

HTTP Download Resources

The HTTP Download Resources assertion checks whether all resources (images, scripts, CSS, and so on) the HTML document refers to are available and downloadable.

HTTP Valid Status Codes (Deprecated)

The Valid HTTP Status Codes assertion checks whether the target test step received the HTTP result with a status which is on the list of defined codes.

This assertion is deprecated. Use the Smart Assertion instead.

HTTP Invalid Status Codes (Deprecated)

The Invalid HTTP Status Codes assertion checks whether the target test step received the HTTP result with a status code not on the list of defined codes.

This assertion is deprecated. Use the Smart Assertion instead.

Header Equals Assertion (Deprecated)

The HTTP Header Equals assertion checks whether the header exists in the request or response and has the value you need.

This assertion is deprecated. Use the Smart Assertion instead.

Header Exists Assertion (Deprecated)

The HTTP Header Exists assertion checks whether the header with the name you have specified exists in the request or response.

This assertion is deprecated. Use the Smart Assertion instead.

Schema Compliance Assertions

Schema Compliance Assertion

The Schema Compliance assertion checks whether the last request or response is compliant with the associated WSDL or WADL schema definition.

JSON Schema Compliance Assertion

The JSON Schema Compliance assertion checks whether the last response is compliant with the associated JSON schema definition.

Swagger Compliance Assertion

The Swagger Compliance assertion checks whether the last response is compatible with the specified OpenAPI or Swagger specification.

SOAP Assertions

SOAP Fault Assertion

The SOAP Fault assertion checks whether the last response you have received is a SOAP Fault.

Not SOAP Fault Assertion

The Not SOAP Fault assertion checks whether the last response you have received is not a SOAP Fault.

SOAP Request Assertion

The SOAP Request assertion checks whether the last request is a valid SOAP request.

SOAP Response Assertion

The SOAP Response assertion checks whether the last response you have received is a valid SOAP response.

WS Assertions

WS-Addressing Request Assertion

The WS-Addressing Request assertion checks whether the last request you have received contains valid WS-Addressing headers.

WS-Addressing Response Assertion

The WS-Addressing Response assertion checks whether the last response you have received contains valid WS-Addressing headers.

WS-Security Status Assertion

The WS-Security Status assertion checks whether the last request or response you have received contains valid WS-Security headers.

See Also

Assertion Reference

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