Oracle Monitor

Applies to ReadyAPI 3.57, last modified on December 20, 2024

You use Oracle monitors to check metrics of your Oracle databases.


  • Download the Oracle Connector and put it in the ReadyAPI\bin\ext directory.

  • Create a database user account to connect to the Oracle database. For instructions on creating a new database user, see Oracle documentation. This user needs access to the V$METRIC table.

Monitor Settings

  • Port – The port used to communicate with the database.

  • User name – The user account ReadyAPI uses to connect to the database.

  • Password – The password used to connect to the database.

  • Service name – The alias of the instance you want to connect to.

Frequently Used Metrics

Oracle database metrics contain information about the database usage during the test run. ReadyAPI displays the following statistics in charts by default:

  • I/O Stats by Function Metrics – Large Write Requests per Second – The number of large (multi-block) write requests happening each second. A large value indicates heavy usage of your hard drive.

  • I/O Stats by Function Metrics – Large Read Requests per Second – The number of large (multi-block) read requests happening each second. A large value indicates heavy usage of your hard drive.

  • System Metrics Short Duration – Host CPU Utilization (%) – The % CPU used on the computer where the Oracle database is installed. If this value is above 95%, some processes need to be stopped to reliably handle the requests.

    The CPU can be used by other processes, not only by the Oracle DB.

Other Metrics

Oracle database monitor provides access to the following metrics:

Category Description Metrics

Event Class Metrics


Average Users Waiting Counts

Database Time Spent Waiting (%)

Total Time Waited

Total Time Waited (Foreground)

Total Wait Counts

Total Wait Counts (Foreground)

Event Metrics


Number of Sessions Waiting (Event)

Total Time Waited

Total Time Waited (Foreground)

Total Wait Counts

Total Wait Counts (Foreground)

File Metrics Long Duration


Average File Read Time (Files-Long)

Physical Block Writes (Files-Long)

Physical Reads (Files-Long)

Physical Writes (Files-Long)

Average File Write time (Files-Long)

Physical Block Reads (Files-Long)

I/O Stats by Function Metrics


Average Wait Time

Large Read Requests per Second

Large Write Requests per Second

MegaBytes of Large Reads per Second

MegaBytes of Large Writes per Second

MegaBytes of Small Reads per Second

MegaBytes of Small Writes per Second

Number of Waits

Small Read Requests per Second

Small Write Requests per Second

Resource Manager Stats


CPU Wait Time

Consumed CPU Time

DBRM CPU Decisions Alone

DBRM CPU Decisions Present


I/O Requests

I/O Wait Time

Maximum CPU Utilization Limit

MegaBytes of I/O

Number CPUs in Use

Total DBRM CPU Decisions

Total Number CPUs

Service Metrics


CPU Time Per User Call

DB Time Per Second

DB Time Per User Call

Elapsed Time Per User Call

User Calls Per Second

Service Metrics (Short)


CPU Time Per User Call

DB Time Per Second

DB Time Per User Call

Elapsed Time Per User Call

User Calls Per Second

Session Metrics Long Duration


Blocked User Session Count

Session Metrics Short Duration


CPU Time (Session)

Hard Parse Count (Session)

Logical Read Count

Logical Reads Ratio (Sess/Sys) %

PGA Memory (Session)

Physical Reads (Session)

Physical Reads Ratio (Sess/Sys) %

Soft Parse Count

Total Parse Count (Session)

User Transaction Count (Session)

System Metrics Long Duration


Active Parallel Sessions

Active Serial Sessions

Average Active Sessions

Average Synchronous Single-Block Read Latency

Background CPU Usage Per Sec

Background Checkpoints Per Sec

Background Time Per Sec

Branch Node Splits Per Sec

Branch Node Splits Per Txn

Buffer Cache Hit Ratio

CPU Usage Per Sec

CPU Usage Per Txn

CR Blocks Created Per Sec

CR Blocks Created Per Txn

CR Undo Records Applied Per Sec

CR Undo Records Applied Per Txn

Captured user calls

Cell Physical IO Interconnect Bytes

Consistent Read Changes Per Sec

Consistent Read Changes Per Txn

Consistent Read Gets Per Sec

Consistent Read Gets Per Txn

Current Logons Count

Current OS Load

Current Open Cursors Count

Cursor Cache Hit Ratio

DB Block Changes Per Sec

DB Block Changes Per Txn

DB Block Changes Per User Call

DB Block Gets Per Sec

DB Block Gets Per Txn

DB Block Gets Per User Call

DBWR Checkpoints Per Sec

DDL statements parallelized Per Sec

DML statements parallelized Per Sec

Database CPU Time Ratio

Database Time Per Sec

Database Wait Time Ratio

Disk Sort Per Sec

Disk Sort Per Txn

Enqueue Deadlocks Per Sec

Enqueue Deadlocks Per Txn

Enqueue Requests Per Sec

Enqueue Requests Per Txn

Enqueue Timeouts Per Sec

Enqueue Timeouts Per Txn

Enqueue Waits Per Sec

Enqueue Waits Per Txn

Execute Without Parse Ratio

Executions Per Sec

Executions Per Txn

Executions Per User Call

Full Index Scans Per Sec

Full Index Scans Per Txn

GC CR Block Received Per Second

GC CR Block Received Per Txn

GC Current Block Received Per Second

GC Current Block Received Per Txn

Global Cache Average CR Get Time

Global Cache Average Current Get Time

Global Cache Blocks Corrupted

Global Cache Blocks Lost

Hard Parse Count Per Sec

Hard Parse Count Per Txn

Host CPU Usage Per Sec

Host CPU Utilization (%)

I/O Megabytes per Second

I/O Requests per Second

Leaf Node Splits Per Sec

Leaf Node Splits Per Txn

Library Cache Hit Ratio

Library Cache Miss Ratio

Logical Reads Per Sec

Logical Reads Per Txn

Logical Reads Per User Call

Logons Per Sec

Logons Per Txn

Long Table Scans Per Sec

Long Table Scans Per Txn

Memory Sorts Ratio

Network Traffic Volume Per Sec

Open Cursors Per Sec

Open Cursors Per Txn

PGA Cache Hit %

PQ QC Session Count

PQ Slave Session Count

PX downgraded 1 to 25% Per Sec

PX downgraded 25 to 50% Per Sec

PX downgraded 50 to 75% Per Sec

PX downgraded 75 to 99% Per Sec

PX downgraded to serial Per Sec

PX operations not downgraded Per Sec

Parse Failure Count Per Sec

Parse Failure Count Per Txn

Physical Read Bytes Per Sec

Physical Read IO Requests Per Sec

Physical Read Total Bytes Per Sec

Physical Read Total IO Requests Per Sec

Physical Reads Direct Lobs Per Sec

Physical Reads Direct Lobs Per Txn

Physical Reads Direct Per Sec

Physical Reads Direct Per Txn

Physical Reads Per Sec

Physical Reads Per Txn

Physical Write Bytes Per Sec

Physical Write IO Requests Per Sec

Physical Write Total Bytes Per Sec

Physical Write Total IO Requests Per Sec

Physical Writes Direct Lobs Per Txn

Physical Writes Direct Lobs Per Sec

Physical Writes Direct Per Sec

Physical Writes Direct Per Txn

Physical Writes Per Sec

Physical Writes Per Txn

Process Limit %

Queries parallelized Per Sec

Recursive Calls Per Sec

Recursive Calls Per Txn

Redo Allocation Hit Ratio

Redo Generated Per Sec

Redo Generated Per Txn

Redo Writes Per Sec

Redo Writes Per Txn

Replayed user calls

Response Time Per Txn

Row Cache Hit Ratio

Row Cache Miss Ratio

Rows Per Sort

SQL Service Response Time

Session Count

Session Limit %

Shared Pool Free %

Soft Parse Ratio

Streams Pool Usage Percentage

Temp Space Used

Total Index Scans Per Sec

Total Index Scans Per Txn

Total PGA Allocated

Total PGA Used by SQL Workareas

Total Parse Count Per Sec

Total Parse Count Per Txn

Total Sorts Per User Call

Total Table Scans Per Sec

Total Table Scans Per Txn

Total Table Scans Per User Call

Txns Per Logon

User Calls Per Sec

User Calls Per Txn

User Calls Ratio

User Commits Per Sec

User Commits Percentage

User Limit %

User Rollback Undo Records Applied Per Txn

User Rollback UndoRec Applied Per Sec

User Rollbacks Per Sec

User Rollbacks Percentage

User Transaction Per Sec

Workload Capture and Replay status

System Metrics Short Duration


Average Active Sessions

Buffer Cache Hit Ratio

Cell Physical IO Interconnect Bytes

Consistent Read Changes Per Sec

Consistent Read Changes Per Txn

Consistent Read Gets Per Sec

Consistent Read Gets Per Txn

DB Block Changes Per Sec

DB Block Changes Per Txn

DB Block Gets Per Sec

DB Block Gets Per Txn

Database CPU Time Ratio

Database Time Per Sec

Execute Without Parse Ratio

Executions Per Sec

Executions Per Txn

Full Index Scans Per Sec

Full Index Scans Per Txn

Host CPU Usage Per Sec

Host CPU Utilization (%)

Library Cache Hit Ratio

Logical Reads Per Sec

Logical Reads Per Txn

Logons Per Sec

Logons Per Txn

Memory Sorts Ratio

Physical Reads Direct Per Sec

Physical Reads Direct Per Txn

Physical Reads Per Sec

Physical Reads Per Txn

Physical Writes Per Sec

Physical Writes Per Txn

Redo Generated Per Sec

Redo Generated Per Txn

Redo Writes Per Sec

Redo Writes Per Txn

Shared Pool Free %

Soft Parse Ratio

Temp Space Used

Total PGA Allocated

Total PGA Used by SQL Workareas

Total Table Scans Per Sec

Total Table Scans Per Txn

Txns Per Logon

User Calls Per Sec

User Calls Per Txn

User Transaction Per Sec

See Also

Preparing Servers for Monitoring
Server Inspector
Load Testing Templates

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