Test Duration

Applies to ReadyAPI 3.58, last modified on February 10, 2025

In ReadyAPI, you can limit the test duration by using two properties: test duration and the number of executed functional tests. Limiting test duration is more common, but if you need to run a specific number of requests, ReadyAPI can do this as well.

Limiting Load by Test Duration

If you use this approach, you specify the time for which the test will run. If Duration equals 0, the test will run infinitely. To set load duration:

  • Select a time unit (seconds, minutes, or hours) from the drop-down list.

  • Enter the test duration in the text box.

    API load testing with ReadyAPI: Setting the Test Duration

    Click the image to enlarge it.

Limiting Load by the Number of Executed Targets

If you use this approach, you specify the number of functional tests that will be executed during the test run. If Max Target Runs equals -1, the test will run infinitely. To set the maximum number of executed functional tests:

  • Select the load test. The Load Test inspector will appear.

  • Enter the number of functional tests that will be run during the execution.

See Also

User Think Time

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