Features Added to ReadyAPI 3.40

Applies to ReadyAPI 3.58, last modified on January 16, 2025

ReadyAPI 3.40.0 includes a few changes as compared to the previous version of the product – ReadyAPI 3.30.0. For information on the changes made to other versions, see Version History.

ReadyAPI Core

  • Upgraded spring Framework to 5.3.18. (RIA-19435)

  • Upgraded to Java 17. (RIA-19352)

  • Upgrade JMS 1.1 Jar to JMS 2.0. (RIA-19058)

  • Released ReadyAPI version to run on AppleM1 chip.

RIA-5xxx1 represents the Jira ticket number. It will help you track back the bugs resolved in version 3.40.

SmartBear License Management

ReadyAPI Performance Improvements

  • We have been implementing improvements to ReadyAPI Performance testing including increasing the number of virtual users which can be simulated from one computer. Up to now, we have recommended up to 1000 virtual users being simulated from one machine and using Load Agents to scale beyond 1000 VUs. ReadyAPI is now able to manage higher numbers of users from one machine and we are now recommending one machine can manage approx. 6,000-10,000 VUs.

  • We have also improved the stability and reliability of Load Agents for larger scale distributed testing.

  • We will continue to improve performance testing in upcoming releases and expect to publish more detailed recommendations with each release.

ReadyAPI Test - gRPC

  • When importing proto3 Files, users can use all linked gRPC schemas while testing the gRPC service in that proto3 file and test gRPC services with external links. (RIA-18921, RIA-18885)

  • Added support for importing .proto files that contain Google wrappers. When importing .proto import using Google wrappers, the import line in the test_with_GoogleWrappers.proto is looking for the wrappers.proto. When the wrappers.proto is added to the correct folder structure, the import works properly. (RIA 19418)

    Wrapper proto

    Click the image to enlarge it.

    Import Definition

    Click the image to enlarge it.

    Imported proto

    Click the image to enlarge it.

Another way to circumvent this issue is to edit the import path in the test_with_GoogleWrappers.proto so that it looks in the same folder for the wrappers.proto file. This can be done in the following way:

Import proto Path

Click the image to enlarge it.

Then, with both test_with_GoogleWrappers.proto and wrappers.proto in the same folder, it works properly as well.

Wrappers Same Folder

Click the image to enlarge it.

Import Both Wrappers

Click the image to enlarge it.

Imported Service Both Wrappers

Click the image to enlarge it.

ReadyAPI Test - JMS

You can specify the JMSDeliveryMode for JMS messages in virtual services so the message won’t be missed. (RIA-19258)

JMS Delivery Mode

Click the image to enlarge it.


We published a new version of 'ReadyAPI Test for Azure DevOps' extension. (RIA-19195)

ReadyAPI Test - File Upload

When testing services that require files to be sent, users can easily upload a file and send it so that they can test their services accordingly. (RIA-17380)

Test File Upload Send

Click the image to enlarge it.

Uploaded Successfully

Click the image to enlarge it.

When Creating New Environments

When creating a new environment user has a checkbox to add Endpoints from "No Environment". If more than one endpoint with the same interface name exists, the user chooses the one on the list. We copy endpoints for REST, KAFKA, SOAP, etc. (RIA-17358)


  • We have fixed a few bugs reported by our customers.

See Also

Version History

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