Configure the licenseUsers.xml File

Applies to ReadyAPI 3.58, last modified on February 04, 2025
Important Notice for ReadyAPI Customers

ReadyAPI has fully transitioned to the ID-based SmartBear License Management (SLM) system. We are now moving into the final phase of deprecation of file-based licenses. Customers still using file-based licensing need to plan for migration to SLM before September 30, 2025.

If you are still in the process of migrating or have yet to start, contact your Account Manager or SmartBear representative today. Our teams are ready to assist with smooth transition strategies. For additional support, please log a request with our Customer Care Team, who are standing by to help.

For further information and timelines, please refer to this page.

You can manage the list of users having access to your floating license by editing the licenseUsers.xml file on your Licensing Server. This file is located in the <Protection! Licensing Server installation>\conf folder, for example C:\Program Files\ProtectionLS 4.9.0\conf.

Note: Besides that you can use Licensing Server Management Console.

This section describes how to add, remove, and edit data for license users by using this approach.

Lock changes

Before you start changing user permissions, create an empty licenseUsers.xml.lck file. It allows you to prevent simultaneous changes by several users and the data loss. The file lock will be automatically removed 1 minute after you have saved the changes made to licenseUsers.xml. If it is not, delete the file manually.

File structure

The licenseUsers.xml file has the following elements:

Element Description


The root element which includes all elements with user, group, and license data.


A license_users child element. It has the following attributes that have data of a user:

  • id
  • name
  • userName
  • host
  • IPAddress


A license_users child element. It has the following attributes that have data of a group:

  • id
  • name
  • host
  • IPAddress
  • ldapFetchUsers
  • ldapDN
  • ldapFilter
  • ldapPropertyUserName
  • ldapPropertyHost
  • ldapPropertyIPAddress
Note: To learn more about LDAP users, see Working With LDAP Servers.


A license_users child element. It specifies the LDAP connection. To learn more, see Working With LDAP Servers.


A group child element. It assigns a user to a group and has the id attribute.


A license_users child element. It shows users and user groups assigned to a license. It has the id attribute with an integer value that is an ordinal number of a license installed.


A license child element. It assigns a user to a license and has the id attribute.


A license child element. It assigns a group to a license and has the id attribute.

Add a user

To allow users to use a license, add them to the list of users:

  1. Open licenseUsers.xml.

  2. Add the user element to the license_users root element. It should have the following attributes:

    Attribute Value


    An integer associated with a user.


    User name.


    User's system name.

    This value is case-sensitive.


    User's computer name.


    User's private IP address.

    For example:

    <user id="1" name="John Smith" userName="john.smith" host="localhost" IPAddress=""/>

  3. Save the file.

  4. Restart the Licensing Server service to apply the changes.

Add a group of users

To assign a group of users to a license, create a group and add the users as group members:

  1. Open licenseUsers.xml.

  2. To the license_users root element, add the group element with the following attributes:

    Attribute Value


    An integer associated with a group.


    A user group descriptive name.


    User computer names which belong to the group. You can use the * and ? wildcards here.


    Private IP addresses of users that belong to the group. You can use the * and ? wildcards here.

    For example:

    <group id="1" name="Everyone" host="*" IPAddress="*.*.*.*"/>

  3. To the group element, add the member child element and enter the id of the user you want to add to the group.

    For example:

    <group id="1" name="Everyone" host="*" IPAddress="*.*.*.*">
        <member id="1"/>

  4. Save the file.

  5. To apply the changes, restart the Licensing Server service.

Assign a license to users

To allow a user to use a license:

  1. Open licenseUsers.xml.

  2. To the license element, add the grant_user element with the id attribute, where id is an id attribute of the user to which you want to assign the license.

    For example, the following line assigns a license to the user created above:

    <grant_user id="1"/>

  3. To apply changes, restart the Licensing Server service.

To allow the group of users to use a license:

  • Open licenseUsers.xml.

  • To the license element, add the grant_group element with the id attribute, where id is an id attribute of the group to which you want to assign the license.

    For example, the following line assigns a license to the group created above:

    <grant_group id="1"/>

  • To apply changes, restart the Licensing Server service.

Delete a user or a group

To remove a user or a group, delete the corresponding element from the file and save the changes. For example, deleting the grant_user element from the license disallows the corresponding user to use a license. Deleting the user element from license_users removes the user from the list of users.


Here is a sample content of the licenseUsers.xml file:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!--A list of users allowed to use a license:-->
    <user id="1" name="John Smith" userName="john.smith" host="localhost" IPAddress=""/>
    <user id="2" name="Mary Smith" userName="mary.smith" host="mhost" IPAddress=""/>
    <user id="3" name="Bill Taylor" userName="bill.taylor" host="billy" IPAddress=""/>
    <!--A list of groups of users allowed to use a license:-->
    <group id="1" name="Everyone" host="*" IPAddress="*.*.*.*"/>
    <group id="2" name="Administrators" host="Admin" IPAddress="">
        <!--A member of the Administrators group: Mary Smith and Bill Taylor.-->
        <member id="2"/>
        <member id="3"/>
    <!--An installed license:-->
    <license id="1">
        <!--A group assigned to a license:-->
        <grant_group id="1"/>
    <license id="2">
        <!--Users assigned to a license-->
        <grant_user id="1"/>
        <grant_user id="2"/>

See Also

Configure License Server 5.x
License Types

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