Using the Management Console

Applies to ReadyAPI 3.58, last modified on February 11, 2025
Important Notice for ReadyAPI Customers

ReadyAPI has fully transitioned to the ID-based SmartBear License Management (SLM) system. We are now moving into the final phase of deprecation of file-based licenses. Customers still using file-based licensing need to plan for migration to SLM before September 30, 2025.

If you are still in the process of migrating or have yet to start, contact your Account Manager or SmartBear representative today. Our teams are ready to assist with smooth transition strategies. For additional support, please log a request with our Customer Care Team, who are standing by to help.

For further information and timelines, please refer to this page.

You use the Licensing Server Management Console to create, change and delete user accounts and user groups on the license server.

Note: If needed, you can import user accounts from an LDAP server. To automate creating user accounts, consider changing the configuration file that the license server uses.

Run the Management Console

The Management Console executable is in the <Protection! Licensing Server installation>\bin folder, for example, C:\Program Files\ProtectionLS 4.9.0\bin\ManagementConsole.exe. Run this executable.

Tip: You do not need to run the Management Console on the same machine were you run the license server. If needed, you can connect the console to the license server running on a remote machine.

Add user

  1. In the Management Console, switch to the License Storage tab:

    Managing ReadyAPI floating licenses: Management console license storage tab

    Click the image to enlarge it.

  2. Select Edit > License Users:

  3. In the License Users dialog, click New.

  4. Configure the user attributes:

    Option Description
    Name The username that is displayed in the interface.
    User Name The name the user has in the system. Usually the same name is used to log in to the computer.
    This value is case-sensitive.
    Host The user's computer name.
    IP Address The user’s private IP address. Only IPv4 addresses are supported.
  5. If necessary, associate a user with an already existing user group on the Member Of tab.

  6. Click OK in both dialogs to save the changes.

Add user group

  1. Switch to the License Storage tab:

    Managing ReadyAPI floating licenses: Management console license storage tab

    Click the image to enlarge it.

  2. Select Edit > License User Groups:

  3. In the License User Groups dialog, click New.

  4. Configure the user group attributes:

    Option Description
    Name The user group name that is displayed in the interface.
    Host The range of computer names of users that can belong to the group. Supports the * and ? wildcards.
    IP Address The range of IP addresses of users that can belong to the group. Supports the * and ? wildcards. Only IPv4 addresses are supported.
  5. If necessary, add the existing users to the group or remove them from it on the Members tab.

  6. You can also add users from the LDAP directory to the group. To learn how to do this, see Working With LDAP Server.

  7. Click OK in both dialogs to save the changes.

Assign license

To provide users with access to the installed license, you need to configure user group settings:

  1. Select the license file from the License Entries list, then click Add User on the Allocation tab of the toolbar on the right:

    Console: Adding a user

    Click the image to enlarge it.

  2. The following dialog will appear:

    Console: Add Users/Groups dialog

    Click the image to enlarge it.

  3. In the dialog, select the desired group and click OK.

Delete users and user groups

To delete a user or user group, open the corresponding dialog and click Delete.

Limit user access to licenses

You can create block lists and allow lists to limit users who can work with licenses. The lists work on several levels:

List Applies to
Global Any actions with licenses.
Lock License – Named User Requests for licenses that use the Named User Licensing model.
Lock License – Floating User Requests for licenses that use the Floating User Licensing model.
Obtain License Requests to obtain a license from the license server.
Using allow lists for ReadyAPI floating licenses: Access control lists

Click the image to enlarge it.

To configure the lists:

  1. Select Edit > Access Control List > <The List You Need> > <White or Black> List Conditions.

  2. In the Conditions dialog, click New or New Complex and configure the condition you need. You can find detailed instructions in the license server documentation.

Using allow lists for ReadyAPI floating licenses: White list conditions

Click the image to enlarge it.

Get usage reports

You can get usage reports for your licenses on the Summary page. Click Download Reports in the Licensing Statistics tile. Then, select the report you need:

  • Usage per User – The number of licenses each user used on the server.

  • Total Users (Succeeded) – Information about users who successfully checked out a license.

  • Total Users (Failed) – Information about users who failed to check out a license.

  • Statistics – Overall information about the license operations.

All reports are created in the .csv format.

See Also

Configure the licenseUsers.xml File
Working With LDAP Servers
Configure License Server 5.x
Floating License Activation

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