SecurityGroupPrivs View

Applies to QAComplete 12.90 On-Premises, last modified on December 24, 2021


Contains information on security group privileges.



AppCode  :  varchar (max 100 chars), allows null: no

The column is reserved for system use only.

CanAdd  :  char (max 1 char), allows null: no

Indicates whether the users of the security group can add new items to the security entity.

CanDelete  :  char (max 1 char), allows null: no

Indicates whether the users of the security group can delete items from the security entity.

CanRead  :  char (max 1 char), allows null: no

Indicates whether the users of the security group can read items of the security entities.

CanUpdate  :  char (max 1 char), allows null: no

Indicates whether the users of the security group can update items of the security entity.

DateCreated  :  datetime, allows null: no, default: Current date and time

The date and time the privilege was created.

The stored date and time are based on the server’s time zone. For more information, see Date and Time Fields.

DateUpdated  :  datetime, allows null: no, default: Current date and time

The date the time the privilege was last updated.

The stored date and time are based on the server’s time zone. For more information, see Date and Time Fields.

DeptId  :  int, allows null: no

The ID of the department that owns the security group.

Description2  :  varchar (max 100 chars), allows null: yes

The column is reserved for system use only.

EntityCode  :  varchar (max 100 chars), allows null: no

The code of the security entity (the system aspect being controlled).

You can find correspondences between entity code values and related modules and features in Table of Entity Code Values.

EntityCodeDescr  :  varchar (max 300 chars), allows null: no

An alias for the Description column of the Validations table.

The description of the choice list value.

GroupName  :  varchar (max 50 chars), allows null: no

The name of the security group.

IsNonStandard  :  char (max 1 char), allows null: yes, default: N

The column is reserved for system use only.

SecurityGroupId  :  int, allows null: no

The unique numeric identifier of the security group.

SecurityGroupId  :  int, allows null: no

The ID of the security group.

SecurityGroupPrivId  :  int, allows null: no

The ID of the security group privilege.

UpdateUserId  :  int, allows null: no

The ID of the user who last updated the item.

See Also

SecurityGroupPrivs Table

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