LinkedItems View

Applies to QAComplete 12.80 On-Premises, last modified on September 09, 2021


The view contains detailed information on linked items. Since one link connects two items, there are two records that relate to the same link. The linked item of each record of this pair corresponds to the base item of another record.



DateUpdated  :  datetime, allows null: no

The date and time when the item was last updated.

The stored date and time are based on the server’s time zone. For more information, see Date and Time Fields.

EntityCode  :  varchar (max 106 chars), allows null: no

The type of the base item.

You can find correspondences between entity code values and related modules and features in Table of Entity Code Values.

FKId  :  int, allows null: no

The ID of the base item.

LinkedEntityCode  :  varchar (max 106 chars), allows null: no

The type of the linked item.

You can find correspondences between entity code values and related modules and features in Table of Entity Code Values.

LinkedFKId  :  int, allows null: no

The ID of the linked item.

LinkId  :  int, allows null: no

The unique numeric identifier of the item.

LinkType  :  nvarchar (max 100 chars, or 202 bytes), allows null: yes

The type of the link between the release and some other item (defect, requirement, agile task, or test set). The type is based on the choice list.

ProjId  :  int, allows null: no

The unique numeric identifier of the project that contains the item.

Status  :  nvarchar (max 100 chars, or 202 bytes), allows null: yes

If the linked item is a Test Case, Defect, Requirement, Agile Task, Contact, Release, Test, Test Set, or Project Plan, it is the status of the item. Otherwise, it is an empty string.

Title  :  nvarchar (max 4000 chars, or 8002 bytes), allows null: yes

The title of the linked item.

See Also

TraceabilityLinks View

Highlight search results