You can use quick links to access specific items directly by adding the ID and other optional parameters as query strings to the URL you use to open QAComplete.
This topic describes how to construct your own quick links to edit various types of items available in QAComplete.
In all examples below, the <your_server>
parameter is used as a placeholder. You need to replace it with the appropriate address you use to access QAComplete:
- For SaaS users: https://login.qacomplete.smartbear.com/
- For On-Premises users: Name of your QAComplete server
Note: |
You have to be logged in to QAComplete to use quick links. |
https://<your_server>/Defects.asp |
Opens the Defects screen.
https://<your_server>/Defects.asp?Id=145 |
Opens the Edit Defect form for a defect with a specific ID.
Id – The ID of the defect you want to access.
https://<your_server>/Requirements.asp |
Opens the Requirements screen.
https://<your_server>/Requirements.asp?Id=145 |
Opens the Edit Requirement form for a requirement with a specific ID.
Id – The ID of the requirement you want to access.
Agile tasks
https://<your_server>/QuickTasks.asp |
Opens the Agile Tasks screen.
https://<your_server>/QuickTasks.asp?Id=145 |
Opens the Edit Agile Task form for an agile task with a specific ID.
Id – The ID of the agile task you want to access.
https://<your_server>/Tests.asp |
Opens the Test Library screen.
https://<your_server>/Tests.asp?Id=145 |
Opens the Edit Test form for a test with a specific ID.
Id – The ID of the test you want to access.
Test sets
https://<your_server>/TestSets.asp |
Opens the Test Sets screen.
https://<your_server>/TestSets.asp?Id=145 |
Opens the Edit Test Set form for a test set with a specific ID.
Id – The ID of the test set you want to access.
Shared documents
https://<your_server>/SharedDocuments.asp?Id=145 |
Opens the Edit form for the record of the shared document specified by its ID.
Id – The ID of the shared document record you want to access.
https://<your_server>/SharedDocuments.asp?ProjId=567&Id=145 |
Opens the Edit form for the record of the shared document specified by its ID, in the project specified by its ID.
ProjId – The ID of the project containing the shared document record you want to access.
Id – The ID of the shared document record you want to access.
https://<your_server>/Lists.asp?ListTypeCode="My List" |
Opens the list screen for a list specified by its name.
ListTypeCode – The name of the list you want to access.
https://<your_server>/Lists.asp?ListTypeCode="My List"&Id=123 |
Opens the Edit form for a list item specified by its ID.
ListTypeCode – The name of the list you want to access.
Id – The ID of the list item you want to access.
https://<your_server>/Lists.asp?ProjId=567&ListTypeCode="My List"&Id=123 |
Opens the Edit form for a list item specified by its ID, in the project specified by its ID.
Projid – The ID of the project containing the list you want to access.
ListTypeCode – The name of the list you want to access.
Id – The ID of the list item you want to access.
This section describes the quick links you can use to access legacy features of ALMComplete if these are available in your QAComplete instance.
https://<your_server>/Contacts.asp |
Opens the Contacts screen.
https://<your_server>/Contacts.asp?Id=145 |
Opens the Edit Contact form for a contact with a specific ID.
Id – The ID of the contact you want to access.
Project tasks
https://<your_server>/Tasks.asp |
Opens the Project Management screen.
https://<your_server>/Tasks.asp?Id=145 |
Opens the Edit Task form for a project plan task.
Id – The ID of the project plan task you want to access.
See Also
Delete Items
Linked Items
UI and Tasks