
Applies to QAComplete 14.4, last modified on June 20, 2024

To complete this tutorial, you will need the following:

  • You must have access to a QAComplete project with which you can experiment when going through this tutorial. By default, QAComplete includes a Sample Project as an example of how you can organize your data. We recommend that you use this project to get familiar with QAComplete.

    If you do not have a suitable project, ask your QAComplete administrator to create one.

  • Your QAComplete account must belong to a security group that has –

    • Access to the project with which you are going to work when going through the tutorial.

    • The following permissions –

      Security Item Permissions
      Defects Read, Add, and Update
      Defects > Allow assigning of items Enabled
      Defects Folder Maintenance Read
      Release, Iteration and Build Maintenance Read, Add, and Update
      Releases Folder Maintenance Read
      Requirements Read, Add, and Update
      Requirements > Allow assigning of items Enabled
      Requirements Folder Maintenance Read
      Test Management > Test Library Read, Add, and Update
      Test Management > Test Library > Allow assigning of items Enabled
      Test Management > Test Library Folder Maintenance Read
      Test Management > Test Hosts Read
      Test Management > Test Runs > Allow editing Steps during Test Run Enabled
      Test Management > Test Sets Read, Add, and Update
      Test Management > Test Sets > Folder Maintenance Read
      Management Features > Manage and View traceability (link between items) Enabled

      If your QAComplete account does not have access to the needed project or does not have all necessary permissions, ask your QAComplete administrator to configure your account properly.

Instructions on how to configure security groups, add user accounts to them, and provide them with access to projects, are provided at –

Getting Started with QAComplete - Administrator Tutorial


See Also

Getting Started with QAComplete - User Tutorial

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