Contains information about the posted hours spent on working on project plan tasks.
DateUpdated : datetime, allows null: no
The date and time when the item was updated.
The stored date and time are based on the server’s time zone. For more information, see Date and Time Fields.
DateWorked : datetime, allows null: no
The date of work the item contains.
The stored date and time are based on the server’s time zone. For more information, see Date and Time Fields.
Description : varchar (max 500 chars), allows null: yes
The description of the post.
This column corresponds to a field that can be available for Rich Text Feature.
EntityCode : varchar (max 100 chars), allows null: no
The entity code of the related item.
You can find correspondences between entity code values and related modules and features in Table of Entity Code Values.
HrsWorked : decimal (max 18 decimal digits), allows null: no
The number of posted work hours the item contains.
IsActive : char (max 1 char), allows null: no, default: Y
Indicates whether the plan is active.
ProjId : int, allows null: no
The ID of the project that contains the item.
ProjPlanId : int, allows null: no
The unique numeric identifier of the project plan.
ProjPlanName : varchar (max 50 chars), allows null: no
The name of the project plan.
TaskId : int, allows null: no
An alias for the FKId column of the Workhours table.
The ID of the related item.
TaskName : varchar (max 100 chars), allows null: no
The name of the project plan task.
UpdateUserId : int, allows null: no
The ID of the user who updated the item.
UserId : int, allows null: no, default: 0
The ID of the user who worked the hours.
UserName : varchar (max 78 chars), allows null: yes
The name of the user who last updated the item.
WorkHoursId : int, allows null: no
The unique numeric identifier of the item.