Contains detailed information on the addresses.
Address1 : varchar (max 50 chars), allows null: yes
The first address line.
Address2 : varchar (max 50 chars), allows null: yes
The second address line.
Address3 : varchar (max 50 chars), allows null: yes
The third address line.
AddressId : int, allows null: no
The unique item identifier.
AddressTypeCode : varchar (max 100 chars), allows null: no
The type of the address (Bill-To, Home, Ship-To, or Work).
City : varchar (max 50 chars), allows null: yes
The city of the address.
Country : varchar (max 50 chars), allows null: yes
The country of the address.
DateCreated : datetime, allows null: yes, default: Current date and time
The date and time when the item was created.
The stored date and time are based on the server’s time zone. For more information, see Date and Time Fields.
DateUpdated : datetime, allows null: yes, default: Current date and time
The date and time when the item was last updated.
The stored date and time are based on the server’s time zone. For more information, see Date and Time Fields.
EntityCode : varchar (max 100 chars), allows null: no
The module the address relates to.
You can find correspondences between entity code values and related modules in Table of Entity Code Values.
FKId : int, allows null: no
The identifier of the related contact or list item.
PostalCode : varchar (max 100 chars), allows null: yes
The postal code that is used in the address.
Seq : int, allows null: no, default: (1)
The number of the address that relates to the item.
State : varchar (max 15 chars), allows null: yes
The state of the address.
UpdateUserId : int, allows null: no
The ID of the user who last updated the item.
UserName : varchar (max 78 chars), allows null: no
The name of the user who last updated the item.