Update Steps

Applies to QAComplete�14.4, last modified on June 20, 2024

If you have made all the preparations and the system requirements are met, you can start the update:

1. Prepare the application server

Before starting the upgrade, ensure all users are logged off. Then, open a command prompt and issue the iisreset command on the application server to terminate any open connection to the server.

2. Back up your data

Make sure to perform a full backup of the web server (if you use a physical server) or take a snapshot (if you use a virtual server). This allows you to roll back to the working state easily, if any issues occur during the upgrade.

Note: To learn how to back up a physical server, see Windows Server Backup Step-by-Step Guide.

You also need to create a backup of the SoftwarePlanner database. To learn how to do that, see How to: Back Up a Database.

3. Download the installation utility

The upgrade is available only if you use one of the 14.0 or 14.3 version builds.

Release 14.0 includes only an installation executable. Follow the link below to download this file to your application server.

Installation Utility

4. Run the installation utility

On your application server, open Windows Explorer and navigate to the directory to which you have downloaded the installation executable. Double-click it. The installation utility will automatically detect the existing QAComplete (or ALMComplete) instance and suggest to update it. Accept, then follow the wizard instructions.

During the installation, your database and user data will be preserved.

5. Specify the actual path to the FileExchange IIS application

After installation, if the FileExchange IIS application is located in a non-default directory (other than C:\inetpub\wwwroot\FileExchange), specify the correct path in the product registry keys:

  1. Open the registry editor. To do this, click Start > Run, type regedit, and press Enter.

  2. Navigate to the following registry keys:

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Pragmatic Software\agSPEnt

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Pragmatic Software\Server Information

  3. Set the FEDir value of both these keys to the correct path to the FileExchange application.

If the FileExchange IIS application is located in the default directory, skip this step.

6. Complete the update

Restart the product server after the update to avoid any possible issues.

Do not forget to check if the update was successful. To learn how to do this, see Validate Update.

See Also

System Requirements

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