Validate Installation

Applies to QAComplete 14.4, last modified on June 20, 2024

To validate the QAComplete installation and configuration, check the following:

Attachments and shared documents

  1. Log in to the application, select Defects > Show Defects.

  2. Add a new defect and assign it to yourself:

    QAComplete Installation Validation: Create a defect

    Click the image to enlarge it.

  3. Switch to the Files tab.

  4. Click Choose File, select any file on your device, then click Open. Wait until the attachment upload finishes:

    QAComplete Installation Validation: Attach a file to a defect

    Click the image to enlarge it.

Email notifications

Now that you assigned yourself a defect, you can check the Email Alerts and Send Email function:

QAComplete Installation Validation: Send a email

Click the image to enlarge it.

Enter your email address, body text, and click Send. Watch for the email to arrive to verify email is configured properly.

Report viewer

Click the Reports tab, select Defect Reports and run any of the reports to ensure the reports are rendered correctly.

Web service

  1. On your server, open a web browser and navigate to –


  2. You should see the Service page:

    QAComplete Installation Validation: Check the psWS file

    Click the image to enlarge it.

  3. You can test the service with the GetLoginInfo method. Scroll down to GetLoginInfo and select it:

    QAComplete Installation Validation: Check a SOAP method

    Click the image to enlarge it.

  4. Enter:

    AppCode: agSPEnt

    Email: The email you use to log in

    Password: Your password

    Click Invoke.

  5. Since you are doing this on the server, you should see a response similar to this:

    QAComplete Installation Validation: Web service response

    Click the image to enlarge it.

REST API service

On your server, open a browser and navigate to –


You should see the following page:

QAComplete Installation Validation: Check the REST service

Click the image to enlarge it.

Email notifications on adding new users

When you add your new users, they will receive an automatic email with login instructions. You will need to create security groups, then add your users:

  1. Click  > Setup, then click Security > Security Groups to define your security groups.

  2. As you add users, select the desired security group for the user. New users will be assigned to the selected security group in the currently active project.

  3. Have your new users check for the email notification.

See Also

Installation Steps

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