What Hardware Changes May Require a License Renewal
The activation request that is made by the License Manager when activating LoadComplete license, contains data that is specific to the License Manager PC: the motherboard ID and the master hard-drive serial number. This data is used to prevent activating LoadComplete licenses on other computers.
If you change either the motherboard, or the master hard-drive on the License Manager PC, this situation is recognized as a hardware upgrade. You do not have to renew the license in this case.
If you change both the motherboard and master hard-drive on the License Manager PC, you will have to renew the license, since in this case it is impossible to distinguish the hardware upgrade from an attempt to activate the LoadComplete license on another computer.
If you have a Floating User (Subscription or Perpetual), you will have to renew the license on the License Manager PC only. There is no need to renew LoadComplete instances running on other workstations.
Renewing the License
All renewal operations are performed on the License Manager PC. For Node-Locked licenses this is the PC, on which LoadComplete is installed. For Floating User licenses this is the PC, on which LoadComplete license was activated (see How Licensing Subsystem Works).
Renewing the license includes the following steps:
Before upgrading hardware: deactivate your LoadComplete license on the License Manager PC. For detailed information on how to do this, see Deactivating and Moving LoadComplete Licenses.
After deactivating the license, you will get a new license key.
Change the hardware.
Use the new license key to activate the LoadComplete license as it is described in the Activating Licenses section.
Questions or Problems?
If you are unable, for some reason, to perform these steps, please contact SmartBear Support Team.
See Also
Renewing Licenses
Deactivating and Moving LoadComplete Licenses
Activating Licenses