Headless Testing

Licensing for Headless Testing

To license SmartBear products for headless testing in private networks, take the following steps:

  1. Request and install On-Premise License Server on your headless machine. Installing in silent mode is also possible. See our Installing in Silent Mode section.

  2. Log in with the following credentials:

    • username: anonymous.user

    • password: <any, but cannot be left blank>

  3. Optionally set access to Allow for Everyone.

  4. In the top right corner of the On-Premise License Server UI, select Access Key and copy the access key in the subsequent dialog.

    Alternatively, use the Client Credentials option, as preferred.

  5. Use the credentials in your command line configuration as specified in your product's documentation.


In the on-premise server environment, the DESKTOP type token will expire after 4 weeks regardless of usage. The access key will expire after 10 years, similarly - regardless of usage. This is different from licenses in the License Manager Portal, where token sessions are extended when used. Consider this when configuring your environment.

See Also

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