License Management for License Administrators

License Administrators use License Management to assign, revoke, and manage SmartBear licenses.


Log in to the Portal using your SmartBear account. This screen also offers options to create an account.


SmartBear Login Screen


To manage licenses, you need to have the license administrator role.

The portal displays information on all the licenses you can manage. Here is a sample view:

License Management Screen

If you work in an organization where several people buy licenses, you might need to select from the list of customers in the top right corner.

View whom a license is assigned to

  1. Find the product and license in the portal.

  2. Expand the license node to see SmartBear accounts to which the license seats have been assigned:

    Users to whom the license is assigned

Assign license

Option 1 — Assign a license to one user

  1. Find your product and license on the portal.

  2. Enter the user and click Assign :

    Assign a license
  3. The portal will check if a SmartBear account is associated with the specified user.

    • If an account is found, the portal will ask for your confirmation for the assignment. After you confirm, the portal will send an email to the user notifying them about the license assignment.

    • If no account is found, the portal will show a message box asking you to invite the user:

      The Invite User dialog box

      Click Invite User.

      The portal will create a new SmartBear account and will send a message to the corresponding address asking the user to complete the account creation. After this, they can download their SmartBear product, install it, and run it using the created account (see Activate and Use Licenses).

      If you need to assign a license to multiple users, use the bulk assignment procedure or share a license by using a link (see below).


You cannot use this procedure to assign a license to anonymous.user and system_admin.

Option 3 — Bulk assignment

You can use this approach to assign license seats to your teammates who have a SmartBear account:

  1. Find your product and license on the portal and click bulk-assignment-b.png Bulk Assign.

  2. In the subsequent dialog, select the desired user accounts, click Enter the user email, and click Assign (this is disabled initially and remains disabled until you enter a valid email address):

    Bulk assignment

    If the person is using the license on two or more machines, the portal will display a dialog showing information on the machines used:

    Using multiple license seats

Note — How to resend an invitation

To resend an invitation, take the following steps:

  1. After logging in, find and click on the Manage Organization Members icon manage-license-admins-b.png near the top of the screen:

    Manage organization members
  2. Click invite-license-admin-b.png Invite to Organization.

    Invite to organization
  3. Reenter the user's email address and click the Invite to Organization confirmation button. A success notification appears once the invitation has been resent.

Check if the license is in use

Find your product and license in the portal and see the License status column. It will tell you if the license is in use or not.

Idle time will report the idle period.

Check if license is in use

Release a license (Disconnect a user)

A user can consume the license seat without working with the product. For instance, that user may forget to close the product before going home. In this case, you may want to release the user’s license seat (disconnect that person from the license server) and make the license available to other users. To do this:

  1. Find the product and license in the portal.

  2. Look at the License status and Idle time.

    If they indicate the license can be released, click Disconnect to release the license:

    Release a license seat
  3. If the person is using the license on two or more machines, the portal will display a dialog asking you to specify the machine for disconnection:

    Disconnect from multiple machines

Don’t confuse releasing a license (or disconnecting a user) with license revoking. Releasing (or disconnecting) terminates the license use by some users but keeps this user in the list of assignees (that is, in the list of those who can use the product). Revoking removes a user from this list.


Whenever users close a SmartBear product for which they have a floating license, that license is released for other users in the pool to take up.

Revoke a license

If a user doesn’t need a license anymore, you can revoke that license.

  1. In the License Management portal, find your product and license. Expand the license node.

  2. Find the user account in the list. Check the License status and Idle time column to ensure the user is not working with the product.

  3. Click revoke-b.png to revoke a license from the user:

    Revoking a license

You can then assign the license to another user. See above.


Revoking works differently for Floating and Fixed User licenses:

  • Floating license: A license administrator can revoke it at any time. There are no limits on the length of usage periods and the number of revokes/reassignments.

  • Fixed User licenses have limits on the number of revokes/reassignments - on scope, number, and time. See Fixed User License Reassignment for more details.

Manage organizations

Administrator permissions

A license administrator can give administrator permissions to other team members or remove these permissions from existing administrators.

To manage the administrator list, click manage-license-admins-b.png at the top of the page. This will invoke the following dialog box:

Manage Organization Members dialog

Users who can manage licenses have the Is Admin check box selected in this dialog.


These persons can manage all the licenses that you see on your License Management screen.

Add a person to the list of license administrators

If the person has one of your licenses:

— Type their account email in the Search box (you can enter a part of the email address) and select the Is Admin check box next to the person’s name in the list of found users:

Make an existing user a license administrator

You can select multiple persons that way.

Click Apply to save the changes.

If the person doesn’t have any license yet or has no SmartBear account:

— Click invite-license-admin-b.png and, in the subsequent dialog, enter the person’s email and click Invite License Administrator:

Invite a license administrator

If the portal didn’t find a SmartBear account for the specified email address, it will create a new one and will send an email message to that address asking that person to complete the account creation.


The person must accept the invite and complete the account creation before you are able to add them to license administrators.


If your license administrators are unavailable and you need to add another person to the administrator list, please contact our Customer Care Team.

Below is a short video walkthrough on adding license administrators.

Remove a person from the list of license administrators

  1. Find a person on the list of license administrators.

  2. Clear the Is Admin check box next to the account name. Click Apply to save the changes.

Remove an organization member

  1. To remove an organization member, find that person in the list of organization members.

  2. Click remove-org-member-button.png Remove Organization Member beside their name.


    Removing an organization member does not automatically revoke their licenses. Instead, their licenses will appear highlighted so the License Administrator can easily identify which licenses are to be reassigned to other members (where applicable).

Service Accounts

Service accounts are typically used to allow access to resources on behalf of users or other applications, for example, in headless testing.

To manage the administrator list, click Manage Service Accounts at the top of the page.


This will invoke the following dialog box:


From this view, you can add new service accounts, edit descriptions, regenerate client secrets, or remove a service account.


Client secrets are vulnerable data that can only be seen when the account is created or after regeneration. They must be stored in a secured location as they cannot be retrieved.

License priorities

Users may find themselves assigned to multiple licenses for the same SmartBear product. If that happens, License Management will apply a license according to the following rules:

  1. A license already in use has higher priority than any other — i.e., when users request a license, License Management checks whether that computer already has a license checked out.

  2. A commercial license has a higher priority than a trial license.

  3. A fixed license has a higher priority than a floating license.

  4. An older license has a higher priority than a newer license.

To move a user from a license applied by License Management to another, revoke that license (see above). License Management applies the next license in the prioritization.

See Also

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