Click or drag to resize

IUpDownEditObject Properties

The IUpDownEditObject type exposes the following members.

Public propertyChildren
Gets the collection of child objects.
(Inherited from IObjectTreeNode.)
Public propertyEnabled
Specifies whether the object is enabled or disabled.
(Inherited from IControl.)
Public propertyHeight
The object's height in pixels.
(Inherited from IControl.)
Public propertyParent
The parent object.
(Inherited from IObjectTreeNode.)
Public propertyScreenLeft
The horizontal position of the object's left edge in screen coordinates.
(Inherited from IControl.)
Public propertyScreenTop
The vertical position of the object's top edge in screen coordinates.
(Inherited from IControl.)
Public propertyVisible
Specifies whether an onscreen object is visible to users.
(Inherited from IControl.)
Public propertyVisibleOnScreen
Specifies whether the whole object or any of its parts is currently visible on screen.
(Inherited from IControl.)
Public propertyWidth
The object's width in pixels.
(Inherited from IControl.)
Public propertywValue
Returns or sets a control value.
See Also