SmartBear.TestLeft.TestObjects Namespace |
The SmartBear.TestLeft.TestObjects namespace provides basic interfaces and classes for functional testing.
Class | Description | |
BasicPattern |
The basic search pattern for test objects.
| |
ControlPattern |
A search pattern for onscreen test objects.
| |
InvocationException |
This exception is thrown when an error occurs while invoking an object member.
| |
ObjectTreeNodeNotFoundException |
This exception is thrown when a test object is not found.
| |
ProcessPattern |
A search pattern for process objects.
| |
SearchPatternBase |
Basic implementation of search patterns.
| |
SearchPatternBaseSearchPatternItems |
A container for property-value pairs used in a search pattern.
| |
WindowPattern |
A search pattern for window test objects.
Interface | Description | |
IAccordion |
The test interface for accordion controls.
| |
IAccordionWithClosableItems |
The test interface for the accordion controls whose items can be closed.
| |
IAccordionWithPinnableItems |
The test interface for accordion controls with pinnable items.
| |
IBar |
The test interface for toolbar and ribbon controls.
| |
IBarItem |
The test interface for items of the toolbar and ribbon controls.
| |
IBarItemCheckable |
The test interface for toolbar and ribbon items that act like check boxes.
| |
IBarItemClickable |
The test interface for toolbar and ribbon items that accept mouse clicks.
| |
IButton |
The test interface for button controls.
| |
ICheckBox |
The test interface for check box controls.
| |
ICheckedListBox |
The test interface for check list box controls.
| |
IClosableTabControl |
The test interface for tab controls whose tab pages can be closed.
| |
ICollectionP, T |
The test interface for one-dimensional collections.
| |
IComboBox |
The test interface for combo box controls.
| |
IComboBoxMulti |
The test interface for combo box controls.
| |
IConsoleWindow |
The test interface for command-line windows (consoles).
| |
IControl |
The test interface for visual objects.
| |
IDatePicker |
The test interface for date picker controls.
| |
IDatePickerNullable |
The test interface for date picker controls. Their properties can be null.
| |
IDesktop |
The test interface for the Windows Desktop.
| |
IDropDown |
The test interface for a control with a drop-down panel or list (a combo box, drop-down button, color drop-down, and so on).
| |
IDropDownButton |
The test interface for button controls that have a drop-down panel or list.
| |
IDropDownWithText |
The test interface for controls that have a text box and a drop-down window or list. Example: a combo box.
| |
IEnumCollectionT |
The test interface for enumerable collections that have unsigned integer indexes.
| |
IEnumCollection2T |
The test interface for enumerable collections that accept numeric and string indexes.
| |
IExpander |
The test interface for expander controls.
| |
IExplorerBar |
The test interface for explorer bar (also known as navigation bar) controls.
| |
IExplorerBarItemsCollectionT |
The test interface for item collections of explorer bar (navigation bar) controls.
| |
IGridRowViewCollectionP, T |
The test interface for collections of child views of a grid control.
| |
IGridRowViewCollection2T |
The test interface for collections of child views of a grid control.
| |
IGridRowViewCollection3T |
The test interface for collections of child views of a grid control.
| |
IGridValueCollectionT |
The test interface for value collections of a grid control.
| |
IGridValueCollection2T |
The test interface for value collections of grid controls.
| |
IGridView |
The test interface for grid controls.
| |
IGridViewGroup |
The test interface for grid view's groups.
| |
IGridViewWithGroups |
The test interface for grid view controls with groups.
| |
IHyperLink |
The test interface for hyperlink controls.
| |
IImmersiveProcess |
The test interface for the immersive (WinRT) processes. Examples: Windows 8 processes like Weather or Edge.
| |
IItemCollectionT |
The test interface for an item collection of a control.
| |
IListBox |
The test interface for list box controls.
| |
IListViewCollectionT |
The test interface for item collections of list view controls.
| |
IListViewGroupCollectionT |
The test interface for group collections of list view controls.
| |
IMenu |
The test interface for menus.
| |
IMenuItem |
The test interface menu items.
| |
IObject |
The basic interface for all test objects.
| |
IObjectTreeNode |
The basic interface for test objects that correspond to processes, windows, and controls.
| |
IOpenFileDialog |
The test interface for Open File dialogs.
| |
IProcess |
The test interface to a process running in the operating system.
| |
IPropertyGridView |
The test interface for property grid controls.
| |
IRadioButton |
The test interface for radio button controls.
| |
IRadioGroup |
The test interface for radio group controls.
| |
IReadOnlyCollectionP, T |
The test interface for read-only collections.
| |
IReadOnlyCollection2T |
The interface for read-only collections that accept numeric and string indexes.
| |
IReadOnlyEnumCollectionT |
The test interface for enumerable read-only collections that accept unsigned integer indexes.
| |
IReadOnlyEnumCollection2T |
The test interface for enumerable read-only collections that accept numeric and string indexes.
| |
IRichTextEdit |
The test interface for rich text edit controls.
| |
ISaveFileDialog |
The test interface for Save File dialogs.
| |
IScrollBarInt |
The test interface for scroll bar controls.
| |
IScrollBarReal |
The test interface for scroll bar controls.
| |
IScrollViewBarInt |
The test interface for scroll bars. The scroll bar parameters are integer numbers.
| |
IScrollViewBarReal |
The test interface for scroll bars. The scroll bar parameters are floating-point numbers.
| |
IScrollViewInt |
The test interface for scroll view controls that have scroll bars with integer parameters.
| |
IScrollViewReal |
The test interface for scroll view controls that have scroll bars with floating-point parameters.
| |
IStatusBar |
The test interface for status bars.
| |
ITabControl |
The test interface for TabControl objects.
| |
ITextEdit |
The test interface for text edit controls.
| |
ITimePicker |
The test interface for time picker controls.
| |
ITimePickerNullable |
The test interface for time picker controls. The controls' properties can be null.
| |
IToggleButton |
The test interface for toggle button controls.
| |
IToolBar |
The test interface for toolbar controls.
| |
IToolbarWithDropDownMenu |
The interface for toolbar controls that have drop-down menus.
| |
ITopLevelWindow |
The test interface for top-level windows.
| |
ITrackBarInt |
The test interface for track bar controls.
| |
ITrackBarReal |
The test interface for track bar controls.
| |
ITreeView |
The test interface for tree view controls.
| |
ITreeViewItem |
A tree view item object.
| |
ITreeViewItemCheckable |
The test interface for tree view's two-state items.
| |
ITreeViewItemThreeStateCheckable |
The test interface for the tree view items that have three-state check boxes.
| |
ITreeViewWithCheckableItems |
The test interface for tree view controls with two-state items.
| |
ITreeViewWithThreeStateCheckableItems |
The test interface for tree view controls that have items with check boxes.
| |
IUpDownEdit |
The test interface for spinner controls.
| |
IUpDownEditDateTime |
The test interface for spinner controls with values of the DateTime type.
| |
IUpDownEditInt |
The test interface for spinner controls with integer values.
| |
IUpDownEditObject |
The test interface for spinner controls with values of an undefined type.
| |
IUpDownEditReal |
The test interface for spinner controls with values of the Double type.
| |
IUpDownEditString |
The test interface for spinner controls with values of the String type.
| |
IValuedObject |
The test interface for helper objects that have some textual or numerical presentation.
| |
IVisualObject |
The basic interface for test objects from which TestLeft can capture a screenshot.
| |
IWindow |
The test interface for window objects.
Enumeration | Description | |
Alignment |
A value indicating how contents are aligned.
| |
CheckState |
A value indicating the state of a control.
| |
ShiftKey |
Represents the modifier keys (SHIFT, CTRL or ALT) pressed during clicks, dragging and other mouse actions.
| |
Sort |
This type indicates whether an item shows the down or up arrow.