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SmartBear.TestLeft.TestObjects Namespace

The SmartBear.TestLeft.TestObjects namespace provides basic interfaces and classes for functional testing.

Public classBasicPattern
The basic search pattern for test objects.
Public classControlPattern
A search pattern for onscreen test objects.
Public classInvocationException
This exception is thrown when an error occurs while invoking an object member.
Public classObjectTreeNodeNotFoundException
This exception is thrown when a test object is not found.
Public classProcessPattern
A search pattern for process objects.
Public classSearchPatternBase
Basic implementation of search patterns.
Public classSearchPatternBaseSearchPatternItems
A container for property-value pairs used in a search pattern.
Public classWindowPattern
A search pattern for window test objects.
Public interfaceIAccordion
The test interface for accordion controls.
Public interfaceIAccordionWithClosableItems
The test interface for the accordion controls whose items can be closed.
Public interfaceIAccordionWithPinnableItems
The test interface for accordion controls with pinnable items.
Public interfaceIBar
The test interface for toolbar and ribbon controls.
Public interfaceIBarItem
The test interface for items of the toolbar and ribbon controls.
Public interfaceIBarItemCheckable
The test interface for toolbar and ribbon items that act like check boxes.
Public interfaceIBarItemClickable
The test interface for toolbar and ribbon items that accept mouse clicks.
Public interfaceIButton
The test interface for button controls.
Public interfaceICheckBox
The test interface for check box controls.
Public interfaceICheckedListBox
The test interface for check list box controls.
Public interfaceIClosableTabControl
The test interface for tab controls whose tab pages can be closed.
Public interfaceICollectionP, T
The test interface for one-dimensional collections.
Public interfaceIComboBox
The test interface for combo box controls.
Public interfaceIComboBoxMulti
The test interface for combo box controls.
Public interfaceIConsoleWindow
The test interface for command-line windows (consoles).
Public interfaceIControl
The test interface for visual objects.
Public interfaceIDatePicker
The test interface for date picker controls.
Public interfaceIDatePickerNullable
The test interface for date picker controls. Their properties can be null.
Public interfaceIDesktop
The test interface for the Windows Desktop.
Public interfaceIDropDown
The test interface for a control with a drop-down panel or list (a combo box, drop-down button, color drop-down, and so on).
Public interfaceIDropDownButton
The test interface for button controls that have a drop-down panel or list.
Public interfaceIDropDownWithText
The test interface for controls that have a text box and a drop-down window or list. Example: a combo box.
Public interfaceIEnumCollectionT
The test interface for enumerable collections that have unsigned integer indexes.
Public interfaceIEnumCollection2T
The test interface for enumerable collections that accept numeric and string indexes.
Public interfaceIExpander
The test interface for expander controls.
Public interfaceIExplorerBar
The test interface for explorer bar (also known as navigation bar) controls.
Public interfaceIExplorerBarItemsCollectionT
The test interface for item collections of explorer bar (navigation bar) controls.
Public interfaceIGridRowViewCollectionP, T
The test interface for collections of child views of a grid control.
Public interfaceIGridRowViewCollection2T
The test interface for collections of child views of a grid control.
Public interfaceIGridRowViewCollection3T
The test interface for collections of child views of a grid control.
Public interfaceIGridValueCollectionT
The test interface for value collections of a grid control.
Public interfaceIGridValueCollection2T
The test interface for value collections of grid controls.
Public interfaceIGridView
The test interface for grid controls.
Public interfaceIGridViewGroup
The test interface for grid view's groups.
Public interfaceIGridViewWithGroups
The test interface for grid view controls with groups.
Public interfaceIHyperLink
The test interface for hyperlink controls.
Public interfaceIImmersiveProcess
The test interface for the immersive (WinRT) processes. Examples: Windows 8 processes like Weather or Edge.
Public interfaceIItemCollectionT
The test interface for an item collection of a control.
Public interfaceIListBox
The test interface for list box controls.
Public interfaceIListViewCollectionT
The test interface for item collections of list view controls.
Public interfaceIListViewGroupCollectionT
The test interface for group collections of list view controls.
Public interfaceIMenu
The test interface for menus.
Public interfaceIMenuItem
The test interface menu items.
Public interfaceIObject
The basic interface for all test objects.
Public interfaceIObjectTreeNode
The basic interface for test objects that correspond to processes, windows, and controls.
Public interfaceIOpenFileDialog
The test interface for Open File dialogs.
Public interfaceIProcess
The test interface to a process running in the operating system.
Public interfaceIPropertyGridView
The test interface for property grid controls.
Public interfaceIRadioButton
The test interface for radio button controls.
Public interfaceIRadioGroup
The test interface for radio group controls.
Public interfaceIReadOnlyCollectionP, T
The test interface for read-only collections.
Public interfaceIReadOnlyCollection2T
The interface for read-only collections that accept numeric and string indexes.
Public interfaceIReadOnlyEnumCollectionT
The test interface for enumerable read-only collections that accept unsigned integer indexes.
Public interfaceIReadOnlyEnumCollection2T
The test interface for enumerable read-only collections that accept numeric and string indexes.
Public interfaceIRichTextEdit
The test interface for rich text edit controls.
Public interfaceISaveFileDialog
The test interface for Save File dialogs.
Public interfaceIScrollBarInt
The test interface for scroll bar controls.
Public interfaceIScrollBarReal
The test interface for scroll bar controls.
Public interfaceIScrollViewBarInt
The test interface for scroll bars. The scroll bar parameters are integer numbers.
Public interfaceIScrollViewBarReal
The test interface for scroll bars. The scroll bar parameters are floating-point numbers.
Public interfaceIScrollViewInt
The test interface for scroll view controls that have scroll bars with integer parameters.
Public interfaceIScrollViewReal
The test interface for scroll view controls that have scroll bars with floating-point parameters.
Public interfaceIStatusBar
The test interface for status bars.
Public interfaceITabControl
The test interface for TabControl objects.
Public interfaceITextEdit
The test interface for text edit controls.
Public interfaceITimePicker
The test interface for time picker controls.
Public interfaceITimePickerNullable
The test interface for time picker controls. The controls' properties can be null.
Public interfaceIToggleButton
The test interface for toggle button controls.
Public interfaceIToolBar
The test interface for toolbar controls.
Public interfaceIToolbarWithDropDownMenu
The interface for toolbar controls that have drop-down menus.
Public interfaceITopLevelWindow
The test interface for top-level windows.
Public interfaceITrackBarInt
The test interface for track bar controls.
Public interfaceITrackBarReal
The test interface for track bar controls.
Public interfaceITreeView
The test interface for tree view controls.
Public interfaceITreeViewItem
A tree view item object.
Public interfaceITreeViewItemCheckable
The test interface for tree view's two-state items.
Public interfaceITreeViewItemThreeStateCheckable
The test interface for the tree view items that have three-state check boxes.
Public interfaceITreeViewWithCheckableItems
The test interface for tree view controls with two-state items.
Public interfaceITreeViewWithThreeStateCheckableItems
The test interface for tree view controls that have items with check boxes.
Public interfaceIUpDownEdit
The test interface for spinner controls.
Public interfaceIUpDownEditDateTime
The test interface for spinner controls with values of the DateTime type.
Public interfaceIUpDownEditInt
The test interface for spinner controls with integer values.
Public interfaceIUpDownEditObject
The test interface for spinner controls with values of an undefined type.
Public interfaceIUpDownEditReal
The test interface for spinner controls with values of the Double type.
Public interfaceIUpDownEditString
The test interface for spinner controls with values of the String type.
Public interfaceIValuedObject
The test interface for helper objects that have some textual or numerical presentation.
Public interfaceIVisualObject
The basic interface for test objects from which TestLeft can capture a screenshot.
Public interfaceIWindow
The test interface for window objects.
Public enumerationAlignment
A value indicating how contents are aligned.
Public enumerationCheckState
A value indicating the state of a control.
Public enumerationShiftKey
Represents the modifier keys (SHIFT, CTRL or ALT) pressed during clicks, dragging and other mouse actions.
Public enumerationSort
This type indicates whether an item shows the down or up arrow.