CrossBrowserTesting Local Connection Tool

Applies to CrossBrowserTesting SaaS, last modified on January 10, 2023

This page relates to the legacy version of the tunnel that has been introduced to CrossBrowserTesting. If you use the new tunnel version, see Local Testing — Secure Tunnels.

If you are unable to install the Google Chrome extension, or you need to use any other browser, you will need to use our Node.js-based tunnel tool to test local resources. This tool comes as a Node module (covered here) or as a standalone binary that requires no installation, which will be explained here.

Download the standalone binary

You can download the correct version of the standalone binary for your system by logging into your CrossBrowserTesting account (on any browser other than Chrome) and clicking along the top where it says Local Connection.

Standalone binary download

Click the image to enlarge it.

A pop-up will appear in the page. Next, click on Download Link to automatically download the latest version of the correct binary for your platform.

Download popup

Click the image to enlarge it.

Alternative download

The standalone binary for the local connection tool can be downloaded from GitHub. On this page, please select the latest version of the standalone binary, unless advised otherwise by a member of our support staff. Binary packages are provided for Windows, MacOS, and Linux.

Extract the tool

Extract the contents of the zip file to your machine, and make sure to take note of where it is located.

Use the standalone binary

Once you have extracted the standalone binary to your machine, you will need to open a command line.

On Windows

Press Win+R to open the Run dialog. Type cmd and hit enter to start the command prompt.

On Mac

Open up the Terminal application.

On Linux

Open the terminal associated with your desktop environment (Konsole, Gnome-Terminal, etc) or just use xterm.

Once you have a command line opened, navigate to where you extracted the standalone binary.

You can get basic, already-written commands to start the tunnel tool from the popup by clicking on Internal Websites, Local HTML Files, or Proxy Server.

Basic commands popup

Click the image to enlarge it.

To use the premade commands, copy and paste the text in the highlighted black box to your terminal.

Internal websites

If you are running a local web/application server and need to test the application or site without making the server public, this is the option you will want. This will create a basic tunnel and will treat a machine on your local network or local machine as though it is on the network of the remote (testing) machine.


cbt_tunnels-win-x64.exe --username [email protected] --authkey yourAuthKey

Local HTML files

If you have a directory of static HTML files, they can be served up to the remote machine using the tunnel. In this example, your static HTML is in /home/cbt/static_html.


./cbt_tunnels-linux-x64 --username [email protected] --authkey yourAuthKey --dir /home/cbt/static_html

Use an external proxy

If you need to pass your traffic through an external proxy, such as for our guide on testing sites that are dependent on geographic location data, this is the option you will need to set up. You will need the proxy server's IP address and port information.

Note: This is not for working through an HTTP proxy that is on your local network. That is explained in the next section of this document.

./cbt_tunnels-macos-x64 --username [email protected] --authkey yourAuthKey --proxyIp --proxyPort 65535

Use an HTTP/HTTPS proxy

If your network environment requires you to pass through a proxy to reach through the outside world, you will most likely need to specify those options to the standalone binary. Please note that these options can be combined.

Example: HTTP

./cbt_tunnels-macos-x64 --username [email protected] --authkey yourAuthKey --httpProxy your.Proxy.location

Example: HTTPS

./cbt_tunnels-macos-x64 --username [email protected] --authkey yourAuthKey --httpsProxy your.Proxy.location

Local connection traffic flow

Local connection traffic flow

Click the image to enlarge it.


If you are having trouble getting the standalone binary to open up to the outside world, feel free to contact us, using either our in-app chat or emailing us at contact Support.

If you receive an error message, please run the standalone binary with the -verbose flag and send us the output. This will help us diagnose the problem and find a resolution.

See Also

Using the CrossBrowserTesting Local Connection Chrome Extension
About Local Testing

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