Web Client

Applies to Collaborator 14.7, last modified on February 04, 2025

This chapter describes the web user interface of Collaborator. The Web Client allows you to perform all types of peer review tasks: create reviews as an author, participate in someone else's reviews as a reviewer or observer, inspect the review materials and so forth.

In order to use the Collaborator Web Client, your administrator must first install and configure the server part of Collaborator.

On *nix platforms, you may need to install Microsoft's TrueType core fonts in order to render Web UI correctly.

The topics of this section contain detailed information on working with Web Client.

In This Section

Web Client - Overview

Provides general information about Collaborator Web Client.

Account Management

Contains information on your Collaborator user account settings, logging in and logging out operations and subscribing to notifications.

Searching and Reporting

Describes how to search for reviews and how to create reports.


Describes how to gather support logs in case of troubles.

Action Items

Describes the Action Items section of the Web Client Review Screen.

Diff Viewer Overview

Describes the Web Client Diff Viewer used for reviewing materials.

Related Topics of Interest

Collaborator Server

Describes the server component of Collaborator.

Desktop Clients

Describes GUI Client, Command-Line Client and other clients for desktops.

IDE Clients

Describes Collaborator Visual Studio Extension and Eclipse Plug-in.

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