The Collaborator for JIRA plug-in automatically links Collaborator reviews to JIRA tickets. Additionally, the plug-in allows users to manually link or create new Collaborator reviews from within JIRA. The plug-in works with both JIRA Cloud (SaaS) and JIRA Server (on-prem) instances of JIRA.


In order to use the plug-in the following preparations should be done:

  • Your Collaborator server must be accessible to JIRA server and vice versa. Ensure that server's External URL is valid and is accessible. Configure a firewall or enable tunneled connections to do so.
  • JIRA integration be running on the Collaborator side. Your Collaborator administrator should create and configure integration between Collaborator server and your JIRA instance.
  • The plug-in be installed and configured on the JIRA side. Your JIRA administrator should install the plug-in on your JIRA instance and configure which JIRA projects should display Collaborator information.

Supported environment

  • JIRA server 8.0 and higher (SaaS or on-prem, including Atlassian Data Center).
  • Collaborator server 12.x and higher.

Working With

Once installed and configured, the plug-in adds a Collaborator sidebar block to a JIRA ticket screen.

Collaborator reviews in JIRA tickets

Click the image to enlarge it.

In this block, you can:

  • See linked Collaborator reviews and their statuses.

    Just scroll to the Collaborator sidebar block and expand it.

    JIRA ticket with link to review

    Click the image to enlarge it.

  • See review details.

    Click on the desired review in the list of reviews.

    Participants of linked review

    Click the image to enlarge it.

  • Create new or link existing reviews.

    Click Create New or Link Existing buttons, respectively.

    Creating reviews from JIRA ticket

    Click the image to enlarge it.

    After selecting Link Existing button, pop-up with a drop-down list for selecting reviews appears. User will only see the reviews where he is the author or the creator, and those reviews where he is a participant and the review is in the state other than Planning.

    Link existing Collaborator review from JIRA ticket

    Click the image to enlarge it.

  • Remove links to reviews.

    Click on the desired review in the list and then click on the X sign.

    Delinking reviews

    Click the image to enlarge it.

Technical Details

  • By default, detailed review information is displayed respecting the Restrict Access to Review setting. To make this information be available to any JIRA user (even to those having no Collaborator accounts), your JIRA administrators could enable the Show reviews to everyone project setting.
  • A Collaborator license is consumed when user is logged into the plugin.
About JIRA plug-in
Highlight search results