Call Tree Panel Context Menu

Applies to AQTime 8.81, last modified on January 18, 2022

The Call Tree panel’s context menu provides commands for working with data displayed in the panel. What commands the menu contains depends on where you clicked to call the menu.

Panel Content’s Context Menu

Right-click anywhere within the Call Tree panel to call the context menu that provides the following commands:

Expand All Expands all the nodes of the tree displayed in the Call Tree panel.
Collapse All Collapses all the nodes of the tree displayed in the Call Tree panel.
Save All Saves the panel’s contents to a file.
Auto Width Allows all the columns to be squeezed into view.
Format Columns Calls the Format Columns dialog that allows you to set display parameters for the columns.
Field Chooser Calls the list of the columns available in the Call Tree panel.
Allow docking in Call Tree Enables docking for individual panes in the Call Tree panel.
Customize Calls the Call Tree Options dialog that allows you to customize the panel’s options.

Column Header Context Menu

Right-click the header of any column of the Call Tree panel to call the context menu that provides the following commands:

Sort Ascending If this item is selected, AQTime sorts the Call Tree panel’s items in ascending order.
Sort Descending If this item is selected, AQTime sorts the Call Tree panel’s items in descending order.
Alignment Changes the alignment of the given column.
Auto Width Allows all the columns to be squeezed into view.
Field Chooser Calls the list of the columns available in the Call Tree panel.
Remove This Column Removes the column from the panel.
Format Columns Calls the Format Columns dialog that allows you to set display parameters for the columns.

See Also

Call Tree Panel
About the Call Tree Panel
Call Tree Panel Settings

Highlight search results