ServerAgent Comparison Report

Last modified on January 24, 2025

This report is for customers who have the legacy standalone version of ServerAgent installed on a Windows or Unix server. To use this report, you also need a regular monitor (such as a website URL or TCP monitor) configured to check the same server where ServerAgent is installed. The report lets you graph the server response time measured by the monitor alongside the CPU and memory usage measured by ServerAgent. This lets you see if there are any important correlations that can affect your response time.

Creating the Report

You can create the ServerAgent Comparison report in AlertSite 1.0:

  1. If you are using AlertSite UXM, select  > AlertSite 1.0 from the top menu to switch to AlertSite 1.0.

  2. Go to Reports > Performance Reports.

  3. Configure the report:

    • In the monitor list, select a monitor that checks the same server where ServerAgent is installed.

    • Under the monitor list, select the report type ServerAgent Comparison.

    • In the list of ServerAgents on the right, select the ServerAgent that runs on your monitored server.

    • Under Includes, select Graphs.

    • In the Locations list, select the location whose data to include in the report.

    • Select a Date Range for the report.

    • Configure other options as needed.

  4. Click Create Report in the top right.

  5. When the report is ready, click the link to open the report.

See Also

ServerAgent Detail Report

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