AlertSite 1.0 Charting

Last modified on July 26, 2024

This documentation is for the classic interface of AlertSite. If you use the new interface (AlertSite UXM), see AlertSite UXM Dashboard and Charting in AlertSite.

AlertSite Charts provide dynamic data display with an easy-to-use interface. Performance, usage, and outage information is presented in customizable charts. Changes applied to any selections - monitor, location, date range, etc. - are instantaneously rendered.

This Help page contains a general description of Charting features. It is not designed to be a comprehensive tutorial.


To work with interactive Charts, select Charts from the AlertSite Console menu bar. There are three main sections on the Charts page:

  • Selection Criteria in the left sidebar

  • Display Chart with legend

  • Detail section

The chart type and detail table change depending on the Chart Type chosen in the Selection Criteria sidebar. Selecting Chart Type modifies the available criteria, because not all criteria are appropriate to all chart types. After selecting a chart type, you must select from the other criteria and apply them to the chart type currently chosen.

When you first enter the Charts page, a scatter plot is displayed showing the status (green circle for success, yellow circle for warning, red triangle for error) of 2 of your most frequently monitored devices over the past 24 hours. If you have saved a default chart, your saved chart will be displayed when you first enter the Charts page. (See below for information on saving a default chart.)

Selection Sidebar

The left sidebar of the Charts page displays the current selections that appear in the chart.

To change the Selection Criteria, click the Edit button. The following Selection Criteria will be shown in place of the current selections in the sidebar:

  • Chart Type

    • Performance Data

    • Usage

    • Outage

  • monitor Selection

    • Enter characters to Filter the list based on the monitor name.

    • Choose All, None, or check boxes for individual selections.

      Note: After selecting monitors based on the filter, clear the filter field to return to the full list of monitors.
  • Time Frame

    • Exact - From and Thru fields that display a calendar and slidebars for time selection.

    • Relative - a discrete time span such as Today, Yesterday, Last 2 Days, etc.

  • Monitoring Locations

    • All

    • None

    • Check boxes for individual selections

  • Chart Attributes

    • Include Chart and/or Detail in the main section.

    • Show All, Successes Only, or Errors Only

  • Grouping (Advanced Options)

    • Display data aggregated by different classifications, such as Hour of Day, Week, Monitor Location, Monitor Device, etc.

  • Days of Week (Advanced Options)

    • Specify the day of the week within the Time Frame selection

  • Time Intervals (Advanced Options)

    • Specify the time interval from Midnight through 11 PM for more granularity within the Time Frame and Days of the Week selected.

  • Saved Charts

    • Save the displayed chart as New with a name you choose.

    • Select the Load radio button for a list of your saved charts, then:

      • Click the buttons toLoad it in the page, or

      • Set it as yourDefault chart, or

      • make changes to any criteria andUpdate it, or

      • Delete it.

Chart Display

The Response Time chart displayed for the Performance Data chart type has many features that streamline access to response time metrics and a variety of customizations. A summary of selections that were chosen from the sidebar appears above the chart. A legend for the displayed data appears below the chart.

Quick-Access Features:

  1. Hover over a chart point for a tooltip with the status at that point, including:

    • Timestamp

    • monitor name

    • Location

    • Status

    • Response Time

    • Fullpage Status

    • Fullpage Response Time

    • Connect Time

    • Time to First Byte

    • DNS Time

    • Content Download time

    • Redirect Time

    • DOM Load Time

    • Page Load Time

  2. Click a chart point to display a dialog box showing a Detail Report with a drillable Report Details section. Available drilldown icons depend on monitor type:

    • Site monitor dialogs contain icons for:

      • Event Detail

      • Diagnostic Detail

    • DéjàClick monitor dialogs include icons for:

      • Transaction Detail

      • Event Detail

      • Diagnostic Detail

    • SoapUI API monitors and ASTM monitors display icons for:

      • Transaction Detail

      • Event Detail

      • Diagnostic Detail

  3. Drill-down pages open up new tabs in the browser.

  4. Multiple dialogs can be opened concurrently.

Chart Options

When viewing the Performance Data or Usage charts, right-click in the Response Time Chart and select Modify Chart to change the Chart Options. There are 2 sections:

  • Metrics: Select specific response time components to trend.

  • Chart Type: There are 3 Chart Types depending on Chart Selection and Grouping:

    Chart Type Chart Selection Grouping Selected

    Line Graph

    Performance Data


    Bar Chart

    Performance Data


    Scatter Plot

    Performance Data


When using the Scatter Plot, errors are indicated by red triangles, warnings appear as yellow circles, and good results are green circles. A handy focus feature allows you to zoom in on a selected section of the chart by clicking and dragging across the chart. Right-click in the Response Time Chart and select Reset from the menu to return to the original zoom level.

To select a different Chart Type from the current type, right-click in the chart and select the desired Chart Type from the dropdown.

To clear Grouping, check the Advanced Options box, click Grouping, and then click X Clear.

Detail Table

If you want to trend specific metrics of your DéjàClick transactions, you will need to show the Detail table for the Performance Data chart type. You can expand the steps to the Action, Event, and URL levels. Trending can be done from the Action or Event level.

Multiple metric trending charts may be displayed at the same time and are displayed above the Detail table.

  • Click Chart Attributes in the sidebar to open the panel.

  • Check the Detail box under Includes. The Detail table immediately appears below the Chart (columns are sortable and resizeable).

  • Click '+' to the left of the timestamp to expand to the Action and/or Event level.

  • Right-click on the Action or Event level text in the following columns and select the metric you want to trend from the dropdown list:

    • Timestamp

    • monitor

    • Location

    • Status

    • Fullpage Status

  • Alternatively, right-click in the column for a specific metric to trend and highlight it in the menu:

    • Response Time

    • Fullpage Response

    • Connect

    • First Byte

    • DNS

    • Content Download

    • Redirect

    • DOM Load

    • Page Load

    • First Paint

    • Above the Fold

For example, to trend the Fullpage Response time of 2 Actions in your transaction:

  1. Click the'+' to expand to the Action level.

  2. Right-click in the Fullpage Response cell of the first Action and select By Fullpage Response Time.

  3. Right-click in the Fullpage Response cell of the second Action and select By Fullpage Response Time.

The two charts will be displayed vertically for easy comparison. To display the data as a scatter plot, right-click in the chart, select Modify Chart, and choose Scatter from the Chart Type section.

  • Hovering over points in the trending chart will display a snapshot of the measurements.

  • Choosing a different metric for the same Action or Event will replace any existing trend chart for that Action or Event.

  • ASTM transactions can be expanded to the Action and Event level, and soapUI API transactions can be expanded to the Action level, for trending.

  • Adding a Grouping removes the expandable detail.

Additional Information

  • Including the Detail table may have an impact on the time it takes to update the chart.

  • If you are using an Internet Explorer version earlier than IE9, a non-removable informational banner will be displayed above the Chart with a link to a website that assists in updating your browser.

  • The Family Plan view for Corporate Accounts is not supported.

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