This topic contains descriptions of new features and bug fixes for Zephyr Scale Server/Data Center. The most recent changes are listed at the top of the page.
If manually downloading the archive from the Atlassian Marketplace, please make sure to download the Zephyr Scale version that is compatible with your Jira. Version 7.0.x-jira7 is compatible with Jira 7 only, and version 7.0.x is compatible with Jira 8.x and later.
Released on November 3, 2020
Compatible with Jira 7.x and later.
Deleting test cases. To keep your test library clean and tidy, you can now delete test cases:
Click the image to enlarge it.
For complete information, see Delete a test case.
Updated folder tree. We’ve updated the folder tree look & feel. Also, it now supports quick search and folder re-grouping:
Import of test cases from Excel files is not supported anymore. This decision was made to align Zephyr Scale with Atlassian guidelines and to streamline the import process. We’d suggest using CSV files instead of Excel sheets. You can easily save Excel data to a CSV file in Excel, and then import this CSV file in Zephyr Scale with same results, and with better performance and security.
Improved stability of CSV imports so that empty lines in the end of the file are ignored.
Zephyr Scale failed to import a CSV file with null values in the header row.
In certain cases, Jira filters using the
function returned duplicated issues.The Test Player showed duplicated test execution custom fields.
The change logs showed an incorrect date/time stamp of a user deletion.
Released on September 9, 2020.
Compatible with Jira 7.X and later.
Bug fixes
We fixed an issue related to the layout of dropdowns in the Test Player.
We fixed an issue where the “last updated” value wasn’t being correctly updated in the change history when linking Jira issues.
We fixed the Help and Support links.
We fixed an issue preventing colours to be chosen from the dropdown when creating custom statuses or priorities.
We fixed an issue that prevented users of Oracle, SQL Server, and PostgreSQL databases from adding more than 1000 test cases to a test cycle.
We fixed an issue preventing labels used by a large number of test cases to be deleted.
We fixed an issue that causes an error when exporting test cases with invalid custom field values.
Released on August 12, 2020.
Compatible with Jira 7.X and later.
Custom fields API
This release includes the addition of custom field endpoints to the Zephyr Scale Server API. Using the new endpoints, you can now enable Zephyr Scale and create custom fields for one or many projects.
We’ve added this to the API to make it quicker for teams to configure multiple Jira projects with the same custom fields.
You can find the API documentation with more information here:
Other improvements
We changed the API for test executions to set the
field to unassigned by default if no username is set.We changed the Test Execution reports to make them more readable with large number of data elements.
Bug fixes
We fixed a bug where the attachments of test case steps were removed when attachments were deleted from another version of that test case.
We fixed a bug where users were unable to see the timer button to start the execution with normal zoom in the test player.
We fixed a bug where the API updates to custom fields used deleted custom field names.
We fixed an issue where the drag and drop for test steps inside test script wasn’t working.
Released on July 7, 2020.
Compatible with Jira 7.X and later.
We have improved the test cycle grid performance for test cycles with many previous test executions.
We have improved the performance in the test player for test cycles with many previous executions.
Bug fixes
We fixed an issue preventing labels from being deleted on test cases imported from other Jira projects.
We fixed an issue where two entries are created in the change history for custom field value changes.
Released on June 17, 2020.
Compatible with Jira 7.X and later.
Bug fixes
We fixed an issue preventing test case imports when a folder has an empty name.
We fixed an issue with the “Add test cases” pop-up loading all test cases for a given project, rather than the first page.
We fixed an issue with the test cycle grid, where cycles were hidden when one of the cycles had an invalid user assigned.
Released on April 15, 2020.
Compatible with Jira 7.X and later.
Bug fixes
We fixed an issue where deleted custom field values appeared when editing a test case
We fixed an issue with gadgets, where the text was incorrectly formatted when displayed
We fixed an issue with the traceability reports showing "No epic" or "No coverage" labels incorrectly.
We fixed an issue where the test cycle progress bar was missing in the grid.
We fixed the missing "Last test execution" result display to show test cycle state.
We fixed the UI issue for notifications so that they're no longer cut off.
Released on March 31, 2020.
Compatible with Jira 7.X and later.
Zephyr Scale joins SmartBear
We are excited to announce that Zephyr Scale is joining the SmartBear family! Read more in the announcement.
Find test cases without a folder
A new filter option called None is available for the Folder filter, making it easier to locate test cases that are not organised within folders.
Improved performance
We improved Zephyr Scale’s browser loading time in the 6.9.1 release, and now we’ve optimised browser performance even more!
Bug fixes
We fixed an issue that would not allow users to save a test cycle if it included a test case associated with a deleted user.
We fixed a UI issue that affected the way comment-prompt text appeared for test cases, cycles, and plans.
We fixed an issue with the REST API that prevented the ability to download automated test cases for specific projects.