Different Ways of Running VirtServer

Applies to VirtServer 3.25.0, last modified on February 04, 2025

To run tests against virtual services located on VirtServer, you need to run VirtServer and these services. This topic describes various approaches to running VirtServer.

Start manually

VirtServer is a console application, so, you can run it as any other console application. For instance, you can start it manually from the command-line window by using a command line like the one below:

  • On Windows: <VirtServer directory>\bin\VirtServer.exe

  • On Linux: <VirtServer directory/bin/VirtServer

  • Platform Independent/macOS: <VirtServer directory/bin/virtserver.sh:

    If you installed VirtServer with root permissions, then run it with root permissions, or specify the location of the VirtServer settings file (virt-server.yml) manually in the command line.

Start automatically

  • If you use some test-running system, you can use the system's capabilities to run applications.

  • If you run automated tests from Jenkins, you can add a special build step for running VirtServer as a console application.

  • Also, you may want to have VirtServer started automatically when the operating system starts. The easiest way to do this is to include VirtServer in the list of applications that are launched automatically when the operating system starts. For instance, on Windows, you can add it to the Startup folder.

Run as a service

A possible way to make VirtServer start automatically on Windows is to run it as an operating system service. See Run VirtServer as Service.

Run in Docker

Docker runs applications in isolated virtual containers. SmartBear offers a Docker image of VirtServer that can be used to quickly install it. To learn more, see VirtServer in Docker.

See Also

Running VirtServer as Service
VirtServer in Docker
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