VirtServer in Docker

Applies to VirtServer 3.22.0, last modified on August 27, 2024


Docker helps you run applications in virtual containers. Applications installed through Docker are platform-agnostic and can generally be installed by using a single command. SmartBear provides on-demand access to the ready-api-virtserver Docker image stored in DockerHub. This image can be used to quickly create a VirtServer instance and get to testing. This way you skip the default installation process.

Docker can be run on Windows either through VirtualBox or through Microsoft Hyper-V. Modern Docker versions use Microsoft Hyper-V by default, and use VirtualBox only if necessary. VirtServer can be run in both scenarios, but accessing a container run in VirtualBox requires additional VirtualBox configuration to expose it to your network.

Docker image

To run virtual services in Docker, use the following image from Docker Hub:

Required license

Docker runs images in temporary containers that can be removed after they are no longer needed. If you had a Fixed license installed in the container, it would be lost. To avoid this, SmartBear disabled Fixed VirtServer licenses for Docker images. Instead, contact us and request a Floating license for your VirtServer instance.

Together with the Floating license, we will provide full access to the smartbear/ready-api-virtserver dockerhub repository that you use to download the image.

To deploy virtual services to VirtServer, you will need a ReadyAPI Virtualization Pro license.

Hardware requirements

This topic describes how to use Docker with ReadyAPI on the Hyper-V virtualization platform. To do that, use the same environment you use to run your Docker images. There are no specific requirements for this.

To learn more, see the Docker documentation:

To run ReadyAPI tools in Docker containers on other virtualization platforms, additional configuration may be required. Please see the corresponding documentation.

Pulling VirtServer image from Docker Hub

To start working with VirtServer in Docker, you need to pull the image from Docker Hub and start it.

  • Find the image in Docker Hub:

    docker search smartbear/ready-api-virtserver
  • Pull the image to the local computer:

    docker pull smartbear/ready-api-virtserver

Docker command syntax

To run VirtServer in a Docker container using a new legacy file based license, first run the docker login command and then use the following command line:

docker run -v /opt/virtserver:/virtserver -p 9090:9090 -p 8000-8010:8000-8010 -e VirtServerUser=User-Name -e VirtServerPassword=Smith -e VirtServerUserRole=admin -e DockerUser=VirtServerLicenseUser -e ACCEPT_TOU=true -e VirtServerLicenseServer=

To run VirtServer in a Docker container using a new SmartBear ID-based license, first run the docker login command and then use the following command lines relative to where your license is hosted (replacing with your own values):

SmartBear ID-based license hosted on SmartBear license servers:

docker run -v /opt/virtserver:/virtserver -p 9090:9090 -p 8000-8010:8000-8010 -e VirtServerUser=User-Name -e VirtServerPassword=Smith -e VirtServerUserRole=admin -e DockerUser=VirtServerLicenseUser -e ACCEPT_TOU=true -e SlmAccessKey=101efa66-acea-4007-806a-c253cf901ete

SmartBear ID-based license hosted in customer on-premise license server:

docker run -v /opt/virtserver:/virtserver -p 9090:9090 -p 8000-8010:8000-8010 -e VirtServerUser=User-Name -e VirtServerPassword=Smith -e VirtServerUserRole=admin -e DockerUser=VirtServerLicenseUser -e ACCEPT_TOU=true -e SlmServerUrl= -e SlmAccessKey=101efa66-acea-4007-806a-c253cf901et7

Please add your own parameter values as appropriate.

The docker run command starts the docker container. Then, you specify the arguments. The command above includes basic arguments you need to start VirtServer.


Required. The image to run. To get a specific VirtServer version, specify it in the tag instead of latest. You can omit at the start of the path.

-e VirtServerLicenseServer=

Required. The IP address and port of the license server.

-e ACCEPT_TOU=true

Required. Accept the SmartBear EULA before starting VirtServer. Must be true.

-p 9090:9090 -p 8000-8010:8000-8010

Required. Exposes ports 9090 and 8000-8010 to the same ports on the host computer. You need to expose port 9090 to work with VirtServer, and any ports you run the virtual services on (in this case, 8000-8010) to connect to them.

-e VirtServerUser=User-Name

Required for the first run and optional in subsequent runs. Creates a user on VirtServer. Can be omitted in subsequent runs as long as the volume persists. If specified, updates user information or creates a new user.

-e VirtServerUserRole=admin

Optional. Gives administrator rights to the created user. Recommended for the first run since only administrators can add new users.

-e VirtServerPassword=Password

A password for the created user. Can be omitted in subsequent runs as long as the volume persists. If specified, updates user information or creates a new user.

-e DockerUser=VirtServerLicenseUser

Optional. The name of the user who checks out the floating VirtServer license. You can see the user name in the License Manager. Default value: root.

-v /path/on/host:/virtserver

Optional. Commands Docker to create a shared file system (volume) for the VirtServer image. This is useful for sharing files/folders in the host machine into the container. As per Docker specification, the path on the left side of the colon should be a fully qualified path to a folder on the host system that you intend to mount into the container. The folder inside the container should be on the right side of the colon. Usually, it is /virtserver. You can then create the /ext folder in the volume and place the .jar files you need to import in it..
For more information about working with Docker volumes, see the Docker documentation.

-e VirtServerClassPathExt=/virtserver/MyExt

Optional. The folder to load extension .jar files from. Default value: /virtserver/ext.

-e UseHTTPS=true

Optional. Commands VirtServer to use only HTTPS for connections to the client. By default, VirtServer uses a pre-generated self-signed certificate. Use the -e CertificateSubject command to generate a new self-signed certificate. Possible values: true, false. If no value is specified, VirtServer uses HTTP.


Optional. Commands the VirtServer to send usage statistics to SmartBear. Possible values: true, false. If no value is specified, the information is sent.

-e VirtServerClassPathExtras=sample:sample2

Optional. The additional elements to be added to the classpath when running VirtServer. Separate the elements with a colon.

-e CertificateSubject=/C=US/ST=MA/L=Somerville/O=SmartBear/OU=com/CN=virtserver.smartbear.local

Optional. The name properties for the generated self-signed certificate. If not specified, no certificate is generated.

Tip: For information on using certificates, see the Using Custom SSL Certificates topic.

-e CONFIG=/virtserver/newconfig.yml

Optional. The environment variable directs VirtServer to use an alternative configuration file that you want to supply externally. To implement this, utilize the -v flag to mount a volume, placing the .yml settings file in a designated folder on your host machine. Next, mount that folder into your Docker volume at /virtserver and specify the container path to the settings file (e.g., /virtserver/newconfig.yml) for this environment variable. If unspecified, the default file bundled in the Docker image is utilized.

-e JVM_OPT_Xmx=-Xmx2000m"

Optional. Additional JVM options for VirtServer. Full syntax: -e JVM_OPT_<UNIQUE_NAME>="<OPTION><VALUE>".

-e SlmServerUrl=ServerUrl:Port

Required only when using onpremise license server.. It is used for installing Smartbear ID - based License from the onpremise SLM license server. It should include the IP address and port of the SLM license server. If port is not specified it will automatically add default port for server on-premise 40892.

*Required only when your license is hosted onpremise. Do not include if your license is hosted on SmartBear license servers.

-e SlmAccessKey=AccessKey

Required for SmartBear hosted license or for onpremise license server when authentication required. Access key is required when using SmartBear hosted ID-based licenses or when license is hosted in onpremise license server option and Access for Everyone is switched off and authentication is enabled. It is not needed if your onpremise license server is configured for 'access to everyone'.

Full command sample

To run VirtServer in a Docker container using a legacy file based license:

docker run -v /opt/virtserver:/virtserver -e VirtServerClassPathExt=/virtserver/MyExt -p 9090:9090 -p 8000-8010:8000-8010 -e UseHTTPS=true -e VirtServerUser=User-Name -e VirtServerPassword=Password -e DockerUser=VirtServerLicenseUser -e ACCEPT_TOU=true -e VirtServerLicenseServer= -e VirtServerClassPathExtras=sample:sample2 -e CertificateSubject=/C=US/ST=MA/L=Somerville/O=SmartBear/OU=com/CN=virtserver.smartbear.local -e USAGE_STATISTICS=true -e CONFIG=/virtserver/newconfig.yml -e JVM_OPT_Xmx="-DXmx=4000m"

To run VirtServer in a Docker container using a new SmartBear ID-based license use the following command lines relative to where your license is hosted (replacing with your own values):

SmartBear ID-based license hosted on SmartBear license servers:

docker run -v /opt/virtserver:/virtserver -p 9090:9090 -p 8000-8010:8000-8010 -e VirtServerUser=User-Name -e VirtServerPassword=Smith -e VirtServerUserRole=admin -e DockerUser=VirtServerLicenseUser -e ACCEPT_TOU=true -e SlmAccessKey=101efa66-acea-4007-806a-c253cf901ete

SmartBear ID-based license hosted in customer on-premise license servers:

docker run -v /opt/virtserver:/virtserver -p 9090:9090 -p 8000-8010:8000-8010 -e VirtServerUser=User-Name -e VirtServerPassword=Smith -e VirtServerUserRole=admin -e DockerUser=VirtServerLicenseUser -e ACCEPT_TOU=true -e SlmServerUrl= -e SlmAccessKey=101efa66-acea-4007-806a-c253cf901et7

Connecting to VirtServer in Docker

After you start VirtServer, it runs in the container and cannot be found by ReadyAPI Virtualization automatically. You need to specify the connection manually. Depending on the Docker version you use, there are several addresses you can use:

  • Modern Docker versions attach to localhost and redirect all requests to specified ports to the container. So, you can connect to it by using the http(s)://localhost:9090 address.

  • Docker Toolbox uses Oracle VirtualBox to create containers. To connect to a container in VirtualBox, you need to specify the VirtualBox IP address. Run the docker-machine ls to see all your running docker machines. Then, use the IP address you received to connect to VirtServer at the VirtualBox address, for example http(s)://

    To access VirtServer from other computers, you need to expose the VirtualBox machine to your network.

Configuring OIDC in VirtServer in Docker

It is possible to configure VirtServer for OIDC in Docker. Please refer to the OIDC page for guidance.

To enable VirtServer in Docker to work with OIDC, VirtServer needs a virt-server.yml file containing the necessary OIDC configuration. This file will be provided to the VirtServer Docker container during startup. To do so, please follow these steps:

  • Create and set VirtServer in the OIDC provider.

  • Pull your Docker image for VirtServer.

  • Create a local folder, for example, oidcconfig, to store your configuration files.

  • Copy the virt-server.yml file to the oidcconfig folder. If you have VirtServer installed locally, you can find this file in the .readyapi directory. You can also rename the file to make it specific for your Okta. For more information, refer to this page.

  • Edit the virt-server.yml file to include your OIDC configuratione details and save the changes.

  • Mount the local folder (oidcconfig) to the internal folder /virtserver within the VirtServer Docker container using the docker volume flag -v /opt/oidcconfig:/virtserver.

  • Add the CONFIG environment parameter with the configuration file -e CONFIG=/virtserver/virt-server.yml path of the VirtServer folder within the container.

  • Start the VirtServer Docker container with the specified settings. Here's an example command:

    docker run -v /opt/oidcconfig:/virtserver -p 9090:9090 -p 8000-8086:8000-8086 -e VirtServerUser=defaultUser -e CONFIG=/virtserver/virt-server.yml -e SlmAccessKey=dba42a79-aa44-4cc9-b2cd-005c69e272ea -e ACCEPT_TOU=true smartbear/ready-api-virtserver
  • Once the container is running, access VirtServer at https://localhost:9090/virtserver.

  • Log in to VirtServer using your OIDC credentials.

Note: When VirtServer is configured for OIDC, all user management is controlled and managed in your OIDC environment such as Okta. As a result, users cannot be added, edited, or removed using the WebUI or CLI in VirtServer. These options are disabled when OIDC configuration is in place. Please contact your OIDC Administrator, if you need to add a user to Virtserver.

Running in a cloud

Often, you would want to run VirtServer on your cloud service. Docker provides an integrated solution to running in a cloud by the means of Docker Cloud.

To learn more about deploying services to Docker cloud, see the Getting Started tutorial in Docker documentation.

See Also

VirtServer Settings
Admin Tasks

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