Log Options Dialog

Applies to TestExecute 15.40, last modified on May 21, 2024

The options in this dialog affect the test log. To call the Log Options dialog, right-click the TestExecute icon () in the notification area (tray), select Options from the ensuing context menu and then select Engines > Log from the tree displayed on the left side of the resulting Options dialog.

You can change the following options:

  • Activate after test run - If this option is enabled, TestExecute will automatically export test logs to an MHT file and open them in Internet Explorer at the end of each test run.

    If there is no Internet Explorer available on your operating system, for instance, on Windows 11, TestExecute will publish the test log to an online storage provided by SmartBear and open it in your default web browser. To learn more about publishing test logs, see Sharing Test Results.

  • Store all logs - If this option is enabled, TestExecute keeps logs on all test runs. Otherwise, the number of stored logs is limited by the Number of recent logs to keep option.

  • Number of recent logs to keep - Specifies the number of test runs whose logs will be kept in a TestExecute project suite and project. If Store all logs is on, this option is ignored.

See Also

TestExecute Options

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