Java Bridge Options Dialog

Applies to TestExecute 15.40, last modified on May 21, 2024

In order for your tests to be able to use Java classes, the path to the jvm.dll library, which is part of Java, must be specified in TestExecute’s Java Bridge Options dialog. To call the Java Bridge Options dialog, right-click the TestExecute icon () in the notification area (tray), select Options from the ensuing context menu and then select Engines | Java Bridge from the tree displayed on the left side of the resulting Options dialog.

You can change the following option --

  • Java Virtual Machine module location - Specifies the fully-qualified path to the jvm.dll library. TestExecute uses this library to access Java classes. Typically, this library is located in the <Java>\bin\client or <Java>\bin\server folder. If you have multiple Java versions installed on your computer, you need to specify the jvm.dll file shipped with the Java version that you want to use.

    You can either enter the path to the jvm.dll file manually, press the button and browse for the library file, or click the ellipsis button and choose the needed library version from the Select Java Virtual Machine Module dialog.

See Also

TestExecute Options

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