Unable to Find an Activated Floating User License

Applies to TestExecute 15.40, last modified on May 21, 2024

This page is related to key-based licenses — a regular license type used in TestExecute 15.40. For information on the new ID-based license type, see SmartBear ID-based Licenses.

When you launch TestExecute, it searches for an active license on your local computer and in the network. If TestExecute fails to find license information, it shows this error message.

This topic describes the possible reasons that may cause problems with Floating User licenses and explains how to fix them:

The License Is Not Activated on the License Manager PC

To check whether the needed license is activated:

  1. On your TestExecute workstation, navigate to the following URL —


    This will open the web interface of your License Manager.

  2. Find your Floating User license in the list:

    List of available licenses

    Click the image to enlarge it.

If the license is not in the list, then the license is either not activated, or your TestComplete workstation cannot access the License Manager PC.

To learn how to activate a Floating User license, see —

Activation Steps

To learn how to fix issues preventing your TestComplete workstation from accessing the license, see below.

The Sentinel LDK License Manager Service Is Not Running

Make sure that the service is running both on your computer and on your License Manager PC:

  1. On your computer, open Control Panel | Administrative Tools | Services.

  2. Check whether the Sentinel LDK License Manager service is in the list and that the service is running:

    The Sentinel LDK License Manager service in the service list

    Click the image to enlarge it.

  3. If the service is not running, start it.

  4. If the service does not start, reinstall TestExecute and try again.

  5. Log in to your License Manager PC and check whether the Sentinel LDK License Manager service is running on it.

  6. If the service is not running, start it.

  7. If the service does not start, reinstall the License Manager utility and try again.

Your Computer Cannot Access Your License Manager PC

Your License Manager PC or Your Computer Does Not Have a Functioning Network Connection
  1. Check that the network cable is connected to your computer.

  2. If you are launching TestExecute on a virtual machine, check if this machine has a network card and that its host computer is connected to the network.

  3. Check that your computer can access the License Manager PC. For instance, you can “ping” this PC.

  4. Perform the same actions with the License Manager PC.

Your Firewall or Proxy Denies Traffic Between Your Computer and Your License Manager PC

The Sentinel LDK License Manager service uses the TCP and UDP protocols and port 1947 to transfer data. Check that the firewalls or proxies running on your computer and in your local network do not block these protocols and port. Ask your network administrator for help with configuring the firewall or proxy settings, if needed.

To check whether your computer can access your License Manager PC through your firewall or proxy:

  1. Log in to your License Manager PC.

    Navigate to the following URL to access the License Manager settings —


  2. Enable the Allow Remote Access to ACC option:

    Enabling remote access on the License Manager PC

    Click the image to enlarge it.

  3. On your computer, navigate to the following URL —


    Where <License_Manager_PC> is the network name or IP address of your License Manager PC.

If the web interface of your License Manager is not available, your firewall or proxy server most likely blocks traffic between your computer and the License Manager PC. Contact your system administrator for assistance.

Your Network Denies Broadcast Requests

By default, to find the License Manager PC, TestExecute uses broadcast requests. This type of requests may not work in networks of certain types. For example, they will not work if the License Manager PC is outside the local network in which your computer resides. These requests may also not function in Virtual Private Networks that are configured in a certain way.

On your computer, specify the License Manager PC to which TestExecute will connect, explicitly:

  1. On your computer, navigate to the following URL to access the License Manager settings


  2. Switch to the Access to Remote License Managers tabbed page.

  3. In the Specify Search Parameters text box, enter the computer name or IP address of the License Manager computer:

    Specifying the License Manager PC where the license is activated

    Click the image to enlarge it.

    If you are using a VPN, enter the IP address as you see it in your network.

    If the License Manager PC is outside the local network in which your computer resides, then specify the static external IP address of the License Manager computer.

  4. Click Submit to apply your changes.

License Manager Settings Deny Access From Your Current User Account
  1. Log in to the License Manager PC.

  2. Navigate to the following URL to access the License Manager settings:


  3. Switch to the Users tab page.

  4. Examine the User Restrictions rules and remove any deny rules that include the needed user name, or add an allow rule for this user name:

    Specifying user restrictions

    Click the image to enlarge it.

You Have Exceeded the Maximum Number of Allowed Product Instances

A Floating User license allows running multiple instances of TestExecute on multiple workstations. The license key specifies the maximum number of concurrent instances.

If all the available instances are currently in use, TestExecute will fail to start. To resolve the problem:

  • Wait until another user finishes working with TestExecute.

— or —

  • Close TestExecute instances that are not currently in use.

Getting Help Online

You can also try resolving the problem by using the Licensing Troubleshooter on our web site:

Licensing Troubleshooter

The troubleshooter will also help you collect information and submit a request to the SmartBear Support Team. When submitting a request, please specify the exact error message you see. To get it, click the header of the message box and press Ctrl+C.

See Also

Getting Help With Licenses

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