How to Check for Available Updates

Applies to TestExecute 15.40, last modified on May 21, 2024

Checking Procedure

By default, every time TestExecute starts, it connects to our web site to check if a patch or a newer version of the product is available. This way, you can check whether an update is available on our web site without visiting it.

If an update or a patch is found, TestExecute will show a notification message about this.

To install and use an update, you need to have a maintenance subscription. If you have an active maintenance subscription, the notification message box will contain a button for downloading and installing the update. Click this button and follow the instructions you will see on screen. Alternatively, you can download the newer version manually (see below).

If you do not have a maintenance subscription, or if automatic download and installation are not available for some reason, the notification message will contain a link to the web site where you can learn about the changes. You can check if an update is available to you on the My SmartBear portal (see below). If the update is not there, then contact the SmartBear Sales Team to get the update’s installation package.


  • To disable automatic checking for updates at TestExecute startup, disable the Check for updates at startup option in the Tools > Options > General > Show Again Flags dialog.

  • At any time, you can check for available updates manually by selecting Help > Check for Updates from TestExecute’s main menu.

  • The requests sent to SmartBear’s website do not contain personal information. They include only information about the product version you own and license activation information.

  • Patches are available to all product users. To install them, no maintenance subscription is needed.

Updates’ Location

You can download and install the product versions and patches available to you from our web site:

Web Browser Updates

New versions of Firefox and Chrome are released quite frequently. You can check for updates manually or automatically.

Download the updates manually from the SmartBear web site:

You can also check for and download browser patches automatically. This helps you save time significantly if, for example, only the system administrators are authorized to install software in your organization, or if the organization has a number of test machines with TestExecute. In these cases, the updates will be deployed to all the users. You can also schedule checking for updates.

To check for available updates automatically:

  • Close TestExecute, if it is running.

  • Run the aqAutoUpdate.exe command-line utility with the /InstallAvailablePatches argument by using the command line. You can find the utility in the <TestExecute>\Bin folder.

    "c:/Program Files (x86)/TestExecute/Bin/aqAutoUpdate.exe" /InstallAvailablePatches

    TestExecute Auto Update dialog

    The utility will check for available patches and install the new ones, if any.

    Running aqAutoUpdate.exe requires administrator privileges. You might also need to disable UAC.
    Tip: You can use Windows Task Manager to schedule checking for updates.

Contacting the Sales Team

If an update is not available to you for some reason, contact our Sales Team:

If you contact the Sales Team via the web form, then when submitting your request, use the Sales Inquiry request type. This will help us process your request faster. We will answer you via email and all further communication will be made via email. However, to start the conversation, please use the web form.

See Also

Show Again Flags Dialog

Highlight search results