Applying Floating Licenses

Applies to TestEngine 1.31, last modified on June 07, 2024

This topic describes how to consume a floating license from Protection! Licensing Server 5 compatible with TestEngine 1.14.0 and later. If you use earlier version, see Applying Floating Licenses (Legacy).

A floating license allows running TestEngine on different computers, but each license can be used only on one computer at a time. To use a floating license, you must first install and set up a license server from which TestEngine can check out a license.


  • Before checking out a floating license on your machine, you need to install and configure the server on your computer or on a machine in your local network. See Configure License Server 5.x for details.

  • Your computer must have access to the license server. Make sure the firewalls and proxies in your network do not block the access.

  • If you access the floating license server through a firewall (for example, from a remote server or from home), you will need to open port 443. Ask your system administrator for assistance, if needed.

Apply license using Web UI

  • Install TestEngine and start it.

  • Open the TestEngine web interface and log in as an administrator:


    For example, if TestEngine is installed on your local machine, and you run it on the default port, use the following link:

  • TestEngine will open the Manage License page. Click Add License:

    Add License

    Click the image to enlarge it.

  • In the subsequent dialog, select Floating License from License Server. Enter the hostname or IP of the license server and the port at which the license server is available:

    Install License

    Click the image to enlarge it.

  • Click Install.

  • The License tab will show information on the license:

    Floating Licenses TE

    Click the image to enlarge it.

Apply license using API

Use the following operation:

POST  http://<testengine-host>:8080/api/v1/license


The request must be authenticated by a TestEngine administrator.

Content type



{"host":"<host address or name>","port":<port>}

Use the following command line:

curl -u "admin:password" -d {\"host\":\"\",\"port\":443} -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST "http://localhost:8080/api/v1/license"

In this example:

-u admin:password

Authenticates the request by using the admin’s credentials.

-d {\"host\":\"\",\"port\":443}

The host and port of the license server in the JSON format.

-H "Content-Type: application/json"

The content type of the request.


The method of the request.


The endpoint of the request.
  1. Create a project by using the TestEngine API definition. See Creating Project From OpenAPI/Swagger Definition to learn how to do that.

    Tip: You can also create the needed request from scratch.
  2. Select the POST request to the /api/v1/testjobs/license resource:

    Check out a floating license: Select a request

    Click the image to enlarge it.

  3. Set the Media type to application/json:

    Check out a floating license: Set the media type

    Click the image to enlarge it.

  4. Enter the JSON string with the host and port of the license server:

    Check out a floating license: Enter the host and port

    Click the image to enlarge it.

  5. Open the Auth panel.

  6. Select the Basic (Built-in) authorization type.

    Tip: If you use the same credentials in several request, use authorization profiles.
  7. Specify the admin credentials and select the Authenticate pre-emptively option:

    Activate the license: Add authorization

    Click the image to enlarge it.

  8. Send the request:

    Activate the license: Send the request

    Click the image to enlarge it.

In case of an error

In case of an error, you will see a message explaining the problem. See Troubleshooting for information on typical issues and possible solutions.

If you are unable to solve the problem, contact our Support Team. We will be glad to help you.

See Also

Licensing TestEngine

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