Adding iOS Applications to the List of Tested Applications (Legacy)

Applies to TestComplete 15.72, last modified on March 04, 2025
The information below concerns legacy mobile tests that work with mobile devices connected to the local computer. For new mobile tests, we recommend using the newer cloud-compatible approach.

You can add iOS applications (.ipa files) to the Tested Applications collection in your test project:

iOS application in the Tested Apps collection

Click the image to enlarge it.

This provides an easy way to deploy an application to and launch it on your iOS device.

The .ipa file can be stored either on your local computer (for example, C:\Apps\MyApp.ipa) or in a shared network folder (for example, \\server\share\MyApp.ipa).

To add an iOS application to the Tested Applications collection:

  1. If your project does not have the Tested Applications collection, add it:

    Add the Tested Apps collection to your project

    Click the image to enlarge it.

  2. Open the TestedApps editor. To do this, double-click the TestedApps item in the Project Explorer.

  3. Right-click somewhere within the editor and select Add Application. This will open the Add Tested Application wizard.

  4. On the first page of the wizard, choose iOS application.

  5. On the next page of the wizard, specify the path to the needed iOS application archive file (.ipa). You can enter the path manually or you can click the button and browse for the needed file. Click Next.

    If you want your application to be deployed to the device on each start, make sure the Deploy to the device on start option is enabled.

  6. On the next page of the wizard, choose whether you want to instrument the application. We recommend that you instrument all the applications you test.

  7. If you chose to instrument the application, specify where to store the uninstrumented backup version of the application. You can enter the file path manually or you can click the button and browse for the needed folder. Click Next.

  8. Specify the paths to the developer certificate and provisioning profile files and click Finish.

TestComplete will add the specified iOS application to the Tested Applications list.

Now, when you record a test, you can quickly launch your tested iOS application by choosing it from the drop-down list on the Recording toolbar. TestComplete will record the application launch as the Run TestedApp keyword test operation or the TestedApps.iOSAppName.Run scripting method.

You can specify additional settings for your iOS application in the TestedApps editor. For example, you can command TestComplete to launch the application on the iOS device automatically every time you start test recording. For more information, see iOS Application Parameters.

For more information on installing and running iOS applications, see the Deploying iOS Applications to Devices (Legacy) and Starting Tested iOS Applications (Legacy) topics.

See Also

Testing iOS Applications - Overview (Legacy)
Deploying iOS Applications to Devices (Legacy)
Starting Tested iOS Applications (Legacy)
About Tested Applications
iOS Application Parameters
Working With Tested iOS Applications (Legacy)

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