Recording Specifics (Legacy)

Applies to TestComplete 15.72, last modified on March 04, 2025
The information below concerns legacy mobile tests that work with mobile devices connected to the local computer. For new mobile tests, we recommend using the newer cloud-compatible approach.

General Recording Specifics

When recording user actions, TestComplete takes into account various factors and events that occur in the system and in the application under test. These factors and events affect the test commands that TestComplete records:

  • During recording, TestComplete recognizes windows and controls with which you are working, and records user actions as calls to methods and properties of these objects. If it is impossible to do that, TestComplete resorts to recording mouse clicks with coordinates and keyboard events. Low-level recording like mouse movements or pressing and releasing mouse buttons is also possible, but in many cases it is not so convenient as object-level recording.

  • Depending on the tested application and on its controls, keyboard input can be recorded with the SetText or Keys method call.

  • Some third-party software can prevent recording keyboard events.

We recommend that you read the Recording Specifics topic that mentions the points you should pay your attention to and describes possible issues and workarounds. The sections below describe the specifics of recording tests for Android mobile applications.

Specifics of Recording Tests for Android Applications

  • If an Android application has been prepared for testing, TestComplete records user actions as actions over objects and controls (see Creating Tests for Android Open Applications (Legacy)). Otherwise, TestComplete records user actions as actions over the images of the corresponding controls (see Image-Based Testing).

  • To record multi-touch gestures, use the special Gesture test type. See Simulating Gestures (Multi-Touch Events) (Legacy).

  • To record pressing device buttons (Home, Back and others), click the corresponding buttons in the Mobile Screen footer. See Simulating Physical Button Events (Legacy).

  • To enter text in an Android application, use the host computer’s keyboard. Currently, TestComplete does not recognize text entered via the onscreen keyboard of the mobile device.

  • During test recording, TestComplete actively exchanges data with the tested Android application. If you are recording a test on a physical Android device connected via Wi-Fi, the data goes through your local network. You might experience a slowdown when interacting with the tested application, especially if your local network is busy. A possible workaround is to use USB-connected physical devices for test recording, and to use Wi-Fi connections for test runs.

See Also

Testing Android Applications (Legacy)
Recording Specifics (General)

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