Run Modes and Parameters

Applies to TestComplete 15.53, last modified on August 07, 2023

If you have a license for the TestComplete Desktop module, you can test generic Windows applications (.NET, WPF, Delphi, C++ and so on) as well as Java, ClickOnce and out-of-browser AIR applications. For the desktop applications added to the Tested Applications collection of your project, you can specify launch parameters that will be used when you run your tested applications from tests or from the TestComplete IDE.

In addition, TestComplete provides various run modes for generic Windows applications under test. The run modes specify the way to launch your application and provide additional reporting functionality.

The topics of this section provide information on the launch parameters available for different types of tested applications and on how you can set the parameters and run modes.

In This Section

Simple Mode

Describes the Simple mode in which your application is launched as if this is done from Windows Explorer, the Start menu or via a desktop shortcut.

RunAs Mode

Describes the RunAd mode that lets you run your tested application under another user account.

Profile Mode

Describes the Profile mode that lets you measure the performance, memory usage, code coverage or other metrics of your application during testing.

Debug Mode

Describes the Debug mode in which TestComplete logs exceptions and debugging events that occur in your application.

Java Application Parameters

Describes the launch parameters you can specify for a tested Java application.

Java Web Start Application Parameters

Describes the launch parameters you can specify for a tested Java Web Start application.

AIR Application Parameters

Describes the launch parameters you can specify for a tested AIR application.

ClickOnce Application Parameters

Describes the launch parameters you can specify for a tested ClickOnce application.

Windows Store Application Parameters

Describes the launch parameters you can set for a tested Windows Store application.

Related Topics of Interest

Run Modes and Parameters

Describes the launch parameters you can specify for mobile applications under test.

See Also

About Tested Applications
Run Modes and Parameters
TestedApps Editor
Getting and Setting Run Mode From Tests

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