Approaches to Testing Flash and Flex Applications

Flash Player has reached end of life on December 31, 2020. Support for Flash and Flex applications is now deprecated in TestComplete and will be removed in a future release.

The information in this topic applies to web tests that locate web objects by using internal identification properties provided by TestComplete and run in local environments.

TestComplete provides you with a number of testing technologies that allow you to get access to Flash and Flex internals. The topics of this section describe available testing approaches you may use to test your Flash and Flex applications.

In This Section

Which Testing Approach to Choose

Provides information on specifics of possible approaches to testing Flash and Flex applications.

Testing Flash and Flex Applications with the Debug Version of Flash Player

Describes how to test Flash and Flex applications using the debug version of Flash Player.

Testing Flash and Flex Applications with the FlexClient Library

Describes how to test Flash and Flex applications using the FlexClient helper library.

Testing Flash and Flex Applications with the Runtime Loader Utility

Describes how to test Flash and Flex applications using the helper Runtime Loader utility.

Testing Flash and Flex Applications via the MSAA Engine

Describes how to test Flash and Flex Applications via the MSAA engine.

Tips on Creating Testable Flash and Flex Applications

Provides additional recommendations on how to make Flash and Flex applications testable.

See Also

Testing Flash and Flex Applications

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