Testing Android Open Applications (Legacy)

Applies to TestComplete 15.53, last modified on August 07, 2023
The information below concerns legacy mobile tests that work with mobile devices connected to the local computer. For new mobile tests, we recommend using the newer cloud-compatible approach.

Topics of this section provide information on testing Android applications that were prepared for TestComplete. We call these applications white-box or Open Applications.

In This Section

Creating Tests for Android Open Applications (Legacy)

Explains how to create tests for Android applications that were prepared for TestComplete.

Addressing Objects in Android Open Applications (Legacy)

Describes how TestComplete names objects of Android Open Applications.

Support for Android Controls (Legacy)

Describes support that TestComplete provides for the most frequently used controls in Android applications.

Simulating User Actions Over Android Open Applications (Legacy)

Describes how to simulate user actions over Android Open Applications.

Checking Object State (Legacy)

Describes how to check the state of objects in Android Open Applications.

See Also

Testing Android Applications (Legacy)
Image-Based Testing
Preparing Android Applications (Legacy)

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