Recording Gestures (Multi-Touch Events) (Legacy)

The information below concerns legacy mobile tests that work with mobile devices connected to the local computer. For new mobile tests, we recommend using the newer cloud-compatible approach.

Gestures are designed for recording and simulating multi-touch actions on mobile devices.

Gestures can be recorded and simulated only on devices that support a touch-sensitive interface. Usually, these are hardware devices. Gestures cannot be recorded or played back on virtual machines and emulators, unless they support a touch-sensitive interface.

To record a gesture:

  1. Disable features on the device. If the device where you are going to record a gesture supports the Air view or Palm motion feature, we recommend that you disable these features before you start recording. See Preparing Physical Android Devices for Testing.

  2. Establish a connection between TestComplete and the mobile device. The mobile device must be a hardware device. Virtual mobile devices (emulators, virtual machines) cannot be use to record gestures. For detailed instructions on connecting to a device, see Connecting TestComplete to Android Devices (Legacy).

  3. Open Mobile Screen. Press the Show Mobile Screen button on the Test Engine toolbar. This will display the Mobile Screen window which is used to control the connected mobile device.

  4. If several mobile devices are connected simultaneously, then specify which of the devices to use in the Select Local Device dialog.

  5. Prepare initial conditions. Start the desired application and/or activity, navigate to the screen where the gesture(s) should be performed.

  6. Start recording: Press  Record Gesture on the Mobile Screen toolbar.

    In the ensuing Add Gesture dialog, specify a name for the gesture to be recorded, and choose the gesture collection where it will be stored.

  7. Perform the desired gesture(s). The gestures should be performed on the touch screen of the connected device.
  8. Stop recording: Press Stop Recording button in the Add Gesture dialog.

The recorded gesture will be added as a sub-node of the AndroidGestureCollection project item. You can open the Gestures Editor to see what actions have been recorded.

To learn how to play back the recorded gesture, see Executing Gestures (Multi-Touch Events) (Legacy).

See Also

About Gestures (Legacy)
Creating Tests for Android Open Applications (Legacy)
Image-Based Testing
Executing Gestures (Multi-Touch Events) (Legacy)
Recording Android Tests (Legacy)

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