General Options

Applies to TestComplete 15.47, last modified on January 20, 2023

The General Options group of the Code Editor options lets you adjust various aspects of the Editor behavior.

To open the dialog

  • Click Call the Panel Options Dialog on the Code Editor toolbar and then click General.

– or –

  • Right-click somewhere in the Code Editor, select Panel Options from the context menu, and then select Panels > Code Editor > General on the left of the Options dialog.

– or –

  • Select Tools > Options from the TestComplete main menu and then select Panels > Code Editor > General on the left of the Options dialog.

You can change the following options:

  • Keep highlighting when printing - If this option is enabled, TestComplete follow active color settings when printing script code. For instance, if you use white letter on black background, TestComplete will print white letters on black background. If the option is disabled, TestComplete uses only font style highlighting for printing (bold, italic, etc.) and does not use color highlighting (that is, the font color is always black and the background is always white).

See Also

Code Editor Options
Code Editor

Highlight search results